Things to do to finish the package/paper/project


Overarching Package Issues

Specific Functions and Issues

# A tibble: 700 × 6
    iter     repunit   true_rho   rho_mcmc     rho_bh     rho_pb
   <int>      <fctr>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
1      1         CAN 0.04573827 0.06489907 0.04550360 0.06226238
2      1         NNE 0.06962820 0.07385272 0.05886538 0.06360804
3      1          MB 0.14588315 0.21344097 0.21242781 0.22291767
4      1         NUN 0.46891013 0.14646259 0.35338886 0.24710874
5      1         BIS 0.06644381 0.09336929 0.15767998 0.08005169
6      1         LIS 0.15719031 0.35012560 0.11664560 0.27002139
7      1 MidAtlantic 0.04620614 0.05784975 0.05548877 0.05403009
8      2         CAN 0.02751659 0.02866411 0.02224521 0.02645824
9      2         NNE 0.23190134 0.27633524 0.20446014 0.26219858
10     2          MB 0.16320168 0.07701908 0.17914736 0.11657221

But, we need to + [x] remove the rho_bh calculation and the rho_bh column in the output. + [x] include a true_n column in the output, which gives the actual number of individuals sampled into that population on that iteration.


benmoran11/rubias documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 10:52 p.m.