# set the working directory always to the project directory (one level up)
knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = normalizePath(rprojroot::find_rstudio_root_file())) 



Introduction and Making the Data set

In order to track down possible bugs and collection-ordering issues, I am going to make a data set that is just like the chinook data set, but in which assignment to different collections will be essentially perfect, by dint of each population being fixed for a certain genetic signature.

We don't want to have a whole lot of loci, so we will use as few as we can: $\lceil\log_2(C)\rceil$, of them, where $C$ is the number of collections. Basically we will turn the index of each collection into a bitstring that tells us which loci are fixed for the alternate vs the reference allele (just 1 and 2, say), and then we will write that out to a file and read it back in. Like so:

A function to turn an integer into bits

We only want to keep the first d bits...

#' turn i into a string of d bits
int_to_bit_vec  <- function(i, d = 7) {
  as.character(intToBits(i))[1:d] %>%
    str_sub(., 2, 2) %>%

Now, we will build on that to get something that turns a vector of indexes to a vector of strings of diploid genotypes.

perf_genos <- function(v) {
  lapply(v, function(x) {
    paste( rep(int_to_bit_vec(x) + 1, each = 2), collapse = "\t")
  }) %>% 

Making genos for everyone

binary_chinook <- chinook %>%
  mutate(coll_idx = as.integer(factor(collection, levels = unique(collection)))) %>%
  mutate(genostr = perf_genos(coll_idx)) %>%
  select(-coll_idx) %>%
  select(sample_type, repunit, collection, indiv, genostr)

Then we write this out to a file briefly and read it back in

names(binary_chinook)[5] <- paste("loc", rep(1:7, each = 2), sep = "_", collapse = "\t")
tt <- tempfile()
write.table(binary_chinook, file = tt, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

Then read that back in

pc <- read_tsv(tt)

That (pc) is what we have saved as perfect_chinook in the package.

Now, make a mixture in the proportions that we see in chinook_mix

I am going to make something that looks like chinook_mix by merely sampling individuals out of the reference and renaming them.

Here are the numbers that we want:

desired_nums <- tibble(
  repunit = c("CentralValleyfa","CentralValleyfa","CentralValleysp","CentralValleyfa","KlamathR","RogueR","CentralValleyfa","CaliforniaCoast","CaliforniaCoast","NCaliforniaSOregonCoast","RogueR","KlamathR","UColumbiaRsufa","SnakeRfa","MidOregonCoast"),
  collection = c("Battle_Cr","Mokelumne_R_fa","Deer_Cr_sp","Feather_H_sp","Klamath_IGH_fa","Applegate_Cr","Sacramento_R_lf","Eel_R","Russian_R","Smith_R","Cole_Rivers_H","Trinity_H_sp","Hanford_Reach","Lyons_Ferry_H","Umpqua_sp"),
  num = c(321, 122, 84, 62, 46, 40, 20, 15, 9, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2, 2)

And here we make a template for putting all those in there:

reppy <- 
  tibble(repunit = rep(desired_nums$repunit, desired_nums$num),
         collection = rep(desired_nums$collection, desired_nums$num)

And now we just need to do some funky replicating to get all these genotypes

pc_mix <- perfect_chinook %>% 
  group_by(repunit, collection) %>% 
  slice(1) %>% # this gets one individual from each collection
  left_join(reppy, .) %>%
  group_by(collection) %>%
  mutate(indiv = sprintf("fake_mix_%03d:%s", 1:n(), indiv)) %>%
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(sample_type = "mixture") %>%
  mutate(collection = "fake_perfect_mixture") %>%
  mutate(repunit = NA_character_) %>%
  select(sample_type, repunit, collection, indiv, everything())

Now, actually we want to make two mixture collections of this

pc_mix2 <- bind_rows(pc_mix,
          pc_mix %>% mutate(collection = "fake_perfect_mixture_2", indiv = paste0(indiv, "-A")))

And this is what we have saved as perfect_chinook_mix.

Check infer_mixture()

Let's see how this is working. And let's throw in a curve-ball by permuting the rows of each data set around so that we don't have blocks of individuals from the same reporting units and collections.

pc_perm <- perfect_chinook[sample(1:nrow(perfect_chinook)), ]
pcm_perm <- perfect_chinook_mix[sample(1:nrow(perfect_chinook_mix)), ]
IM <- infer_mixture(pc_perm, pcm_perm, 5, method = "MCMC")

Now, compare this to what we know to be correct.

true_nums <- perfect_chinook_mix %>%
  mutate(true_pop = str_replace_all(indiv, "fake_mix_", "") %>% str_replace_all("[0-9:]", "") ) %>%
  count(collection, true_pop) %>%
  rename(mixture_collection = collection, collection = true_pop) %>%
  arrange(mixture_collection, desc(n)) %>%
  mutate(collection = str_replace(collection, "-A$", "")) %>%
  left_join(., perfect_chinook %>% count(repunit, collection) %>% select(-n)) %>%
  select(mixture_collection, collection, repunit, n) %>%
  rename(true_num = n)


First, just compare the collection proportions

left_join(true_nums, IM$mixing_proportions) %>%
  group_by(mixture_collection) %>%
  mutate(true_pi = true_num / sum(true_num))

Yep, that is correct.

Now, let's check the indiv_posteriors.

IM$indiv_posteriors %>%
  group_by(mixture_collection, indiv) %>%
  top_n(n = 1, wt = PofZ) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(true_pop = str_replace_all(indiv, "fake_mix_", "") %>% str_replace_all("[0-9:]", "") ) %>%
  mutate(true_pop = str_replace(true_pop, "-A$", "")) %>%
  mutate(correct = true_pop == collection) %>%

Yep. That check out.

Check infer_mixture with the PB option

I was getting some funky results from this previously. Let's see how it is working now. First, let's not throw any permuted-rows curveballs...

IM_pb <- infer_mixture(perfect_chinook, perfect_chinook_mix, 5, method = "PB")

At the end of that we can compare the regular mixing proportion estimates (which we know to be correct) to the bootstrap-corrected ones.

IM_pb$mixing_proportions %>%
  group_by(mixture_collection, repunit) %>%
  summarise(repunit_ppn = sum(pi)) %>%
  arrange(mixture_collection, desc(repunit_ppn)) %>%

That is more or less ok now. The problem of collection/RU indexing was fixed by finding a bug in the creation of RU_vec. Now let's try it with permutation.

IM_pb <- infer_mixture(pc_perm, pcm_perm, 5, method = "PB")

IM_pb$mixing_proportions %>%
  group_by(mixture_collection, repunit) %>%
  summarise(repunit_ppn = sum(pi)) %>%
  arrange(mixture_collection, desc(repunit_ppn)) %>%

All clear. The fix required changing RU_vec, but only in the infer_mixture function. I'll go back through and check if the same problem exists in any other functions depending on params.

benmoran11/rubias documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 10:52 p.m.