Brendan had been trying this with gsi_sim and got some bugs. In looking at the error message I suspect it has something to do with a locus being missing in all the individuals in a population, but I haven't looked into it too much. Rather than get back into the guts of gsi_sim I thought it would make better sense for me to just do the simulations using rubias, because that is the software that I plan to support in the future (and because the interface is way easier than gsi_sim---it is all R-based and largely tidyverse compliant!).

Brendan, if you want to use rubias (I recommend it over gsi_sim) go to the GitHub page and read the README.

So, let's do that. Load up some packages first.

if (!("rubias" %in%  rownames(installed.packages()))) {

Converting gsi_sim data to rubias

There is a function for this in rubias.

It looks like each population is a reporting unit in Brendan's file, so we will just do it that way. I will do this on my system but I don't expect it to work on Windows...(see ?read_gsi_sim).

After we get the file, we set reporting units to the same as collections, and then we write it to a file to be used later (which I will send to Brendan).

labra <- read_gsi_sim("~/Downloads/All_Lab_Rivers_GSISIM.txt", sample_type = "reference") %>%
  mutate(repunit = collection)

# now, it looks like missing data are denoted by "000".  Let's turn those into NAs
labra[labra == "000"] <- NA

saveRDS(labra, file = "../data/all-lab-rivers-rubias.rds", compress = "xz")

So, now we can read that in again (this Brendan can do with to the file I send him...)

labra <- readRDS("../data/all-lab-rivers-rubias.rds")

Look at a few rows to see that it is essentially a two column format:

labra[1:10, 1:10]

Self assignment exercise

First things first, let's just do self-assignment of individuals. Note that this function gives a little summary of the data so you can make sure that it is working correctly!

sa_labra <- self_assign(labra, 5)

Then we can have a look at how often individuals are assigned (useing maximum posterior) to their own population.

map_ass <- sa_labra %>%
  group_by(indiv) %>%
  top_n(n = 1, wt = scaled_likelihood) %>%

self_ass_mat <- map_ass %>%
  count(collection, inferred_collection) %>%
  spread(key = inferred_collection, value = n, fill = 0)


Great! That is looking pretty good.

Simulations of mixed fisheries

Default settings

Let's do these first with samples of size 500 and just use the default parameter values which "spray proportions of fish around randomly." Let's do 100 reps. Also, by default, this does the CV-ML method from Anderson, Waples, and Kalinowski (2008), which resamples full multilocus genotypes rather than gene copies. The following takes about 20 seconds or so.

loo_sim1 <- assess_reference_loo(labra, 5, reps = 100, mixsize = 500)

Then we can easily plot the results:

ggplot(loo_sim1, aes(x = true_pi, y = post_mean_pi, colour = collection)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) +
  facet_wrap(~collection, ncol = 4)

That is revealing. Everything looks pretty good but POT is a disaster (saw that in the self-assignment results, too). The POT fish probably are ending up in MIDBTLUWST, and there are some mild biases in some other pops (SAN a little funky). But overall, this looks like a pretty great set of markers.

Let's see what it looks like if we resample gene-copies rather than individuals:

loo_sim2 <- assess_reference_loo(labra, 5, reps = 100, mixsize = 500, resampling_unit = "gene_copies")

Then we can easily plot the results:

ggplot(loo_sim2, aes(x = true_pi, y = post_mean_pi, colour = collection)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) +
  facet_wrap(~collection, ncol = 4)

Those results are pretty comparable. Which is good.

100 from each collection

If you wanted to simulate exactly 100 from each collection (like you had in the mix1000 comms file) you would do like this: first make a data frame of the desired collection counts

coll_counts <- labra %>%
  count(collection) %>%
  select(-n) %>%
  mutate(cnt = 100)


Then, pass that in for alpha_collection. Let's do 20 reps.

loo_sim3 <- assess_reference_loo(labra, 5, reps = 20, mixsize = 500, alpha_collection = coll_counts)

Then again, plot the result just for fun, to see that all the true values are at 100.

ggplot(loo_sim3, aes(x = n, y = post_mean_pi, colour = collection)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(~collection, ncol = 4) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 1.0 / nrow(coll_counts))

We put a horizontal line at the true value for each population.

Wrap up

That is it for now. rubias is way easier to use than gsi_sim. It also can analyze multiple actual mixture samples in one fell swoop. See infer_mixture.

benmoran11/rubias documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 10:52 p.m.