Ben is looking at parallelizing the genotype log likelihood calculation using Rcpp parallel, for a version of rubias that updates the allele frequencies and hence get bogged down recomputing those logls.

I looked over the Rcpp parallel documentation, and it looks like there is a lot of C++ templating to get right. I was wondering if it would not be possible to actually do the parallelization within R using mclapply.

It actually won't be, because Ben is doing all the stuff internally to the mcmc function in Rcpp. But I am still curious The idea is to just chop a matrix up and then operate on each part.

I will do it simply with sqrt.

Here is out matrix

mat <- abs(rnorm(1e8)) %>%
  matrix(nrow = 10000)

And here is our calculation

system.time(ser <- log(sqrt(mat)))

So, it takes about 2 seconds. Now, the question is, could we parallelize that in a way that was any more efficient?

We will break it up into segments:

starts <- seq(1, 10000, by = floor(10000/8))
ends <- c(starts[-1] - 1, 10000) 
se <- cbind(starts, ends)

system.time({par <- mclapply(1:8, function(x) {
  log(sqrt(mat[se[x,1]:se[x,2], ]))
}) %>%, .)})

Check to see that we get the same thing:

all.equal(ser, par)

All of which shows that there is a lot of overhead in breaking the problem up into parallelizable chunks. OK.

benmoran11/rubias documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 10:52 p.m.