The point of this exercise is to demonstrate flexible rendering of subscripts and superscripts. We want to write expressions for column labels and units that are fairly readable as they are, and yet can be easily rendered with equivalent results in plotmath, html, or pdf.

First we load some packages.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(dpi = 600, out.width = '50%')

We create some toy data.

x <- data.frame(time = 1:10, work = (1:10)^1.5)
x %<>% decorate('
 time: [ Time_cum.^alpha, h ]
 work: [ Work_total_obs, kg*m^2/s^2 ]
x %>% decorations

Notice that the label for column work has nested subscripts: obs is subordinate to total, and the result is subordinate to Work.

For the column time, the word Time is followed by a subscript cum. Then, cum is followed by the superscript alpha. In this case alpha intends to be the superscript of Time_cum not just cum. We include the dot to explicitly terminate the cum subscript, which causes alpha to be the superscript of the combined result.

How does this look when we plot it?

x %>% resolve %>% ggplot(aes(time, work)) + geom_point()

By default, we get verbatim labels and units as substitutes for column names.

Next, we use scripted() instead of resolve() to indicate that the labels should be understood as potentially having subscripts and superscripts. For this to work well, units should be constructed using *, /, and ^ (even though the "units" package supports other encodings).

x %>% scripted %>% ggplot(aes(time, work)) + geom_point()

In the background, scripted() is writing expression attributes (consumed by ggplot() ) and title attributes (consumed by tablet() ). We illustrate the latter.

x %>% scripted %>% tablet %>% as_kable

In summary, we have decorated our data with labels and units containing markup for subscripts and superscripts. If everything goes well, these render similarly in figures and tables. They also render similarly in html and pdf. Please see the pdf version of this document.


bergsmat/yamlet documentation built on Feb. 18, 2024, 5:50 a.m.