
Defines functions sampleValues sampleValue.ParamSet sampleValue.Param sampleValue

Documented in sampleValue sampleValues

#' @title Sample a random value from a parameter or a parameter set uniformly.
#' @template desc_dep_pars_na
#' @template arg_par_or_set
#' @template arg_disc_names
#' @template arg_trafo
#' @return The return type is determined by the type of the parameter. For a set
#'   a named list of such values in the correct order is returned.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # bounds are necessary here, can't sample with Inf bounds:
#' u = makeNumericParam("x", lower = 0, upper = 1)
#' # returns a random number between 0 and 1:
#' sampleValue(u)
#' p = makeDiscreteParam("x", values = c("a", "b", "c"))
#' # can be either "a", "b" or "c"
#' sampleValue(p)
#' p = makeIntegerVectorParam("x", len = 2, lower = 1, upper = 5)
#' # vector of two random integers between 1 and 5:
#' sampleValue(p)
#' ps = makeParamSet(
#'   makeNumericParam("x", lower = 1, upper = 10),
#'   makeIntegerParam("y", lower = 1, upper = 10),
#'   makeDiscreteParam("z", values = 1:2)
#' )
#' sampleValue(ps)
sampleValue = function(par, discrete.names = FALSE, trafo = FALSE) {

#' @export
sampleValue.Param = function(par, discrete.names = FALSE, trafo = FALSE) {

  type = par$type
  if (!is.null(par$len) && is.na(par$len)) {
    stop("Cannot sample with NA length!")

  if (isNumericTypeString(type)) {
    if (anyInfinite(c(par$lower, par$upper))) {
      stop("Cannot sample with Inf bounds!")
    if (isIntegerTypeString(type)) {
      x = as.integer(round(runif(par$len, min = par$lower - 0.5, max = par$upper + 0.5)))
    } else {
      x = runif(par$len, min = par$lower, max = par$upper)
  } else if (isLogicalTypeString(type)) {
    x = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), par$len, replace = TRUE)
  } else if (isDiscreteTypeString(type, FALSE)) {
    x = sample(names(par$values), par$len, replace = TRUE)
    if (!discrete.names) {
      x = if (type == "discretevector") {
      } else {
  } else {
    stopf("Cannot generate random value for %s variable!", type)
  if (trafo && !is.null(par$trafo)) {
    x = par$trafo(x)
  # if the components have names, set them
  if (!is.null(par$cnames)) {
    names(x) = par$cnames

#' @export
sampleValue.ParamSet = function(par, discrete.names = FALSE, trafo = FALSE) {
  # sample value for each param, do it until we a get one which is not forbidden
  repeat {
    val = lapply(par$pars, sampleValue, discrete.names = discrete.names, trafo = trafo)
    if (is.null(par$forbidden) || !isForbidden(par, val)) {
  # set conditional params to NA is condition not OK
  val = lapply(seq_along(val), function(i) {
    if (!is.null(par$pars[[i]]$requires) && !requiresOk(par$pars[[i]], val)) {
      type = par$pars[[i]]$type
      type = switch(type,
        numericvector = "numeric",
        integervector = "integer",
        logicalvector = "logical",
        discrete = "character",
        discretevector = "character",
      as(NA, type)
    } else {
  names(val) = names(par$pars)

#' @title Sample n random values from a parameter or a parameter set uniformly.
#' @template desc_dep_pars_na
#' @template arg_par_or_set
#' @param n (`integer(1)`)\cr
#'   Number of values.
#' @template arg_disc_names
#' @template arg_trafo
#' @return `list`. For consistency always a list is returned.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' p = makeIntegerParam("x", lower = -10, upper = 10)
#' sampleValues(p, 4)
#' p = makeNumericParam("x", lower = -10, upper = 10)
#' sampleValues(p, 4)
#' p = makeLogicalParam("x")
#' sampleValues(p, 4)
#' ps = makeParamSet(
#'   makeNumericParam("u", lower = 1, upper = 10),
#'   makeIntegerParam("v", lower = 1, upper = 10),
#'   makeDiscreteParam("w", values = 1:2)
#' )
#' sampleValues(ps, 2)
sampleValues = function(par, n, discrete.names = FALSE, trafo = FALSE) {
  assert(checkClass(par, "Param"), checkClass(par, "ParamSet"))
  n = asInt(n)
  replicate(n, sampleValue(par, discrete.names = discrete.names, trafo = trafo), simplify = FALSE)
berndbischl/ParamHelpers documentation built on Oct. 25, 2022, 10:49 p.m.