Man pages for berndbischl/bbcompr
Miscellaneous helper functions for B. Bischl.

configureBBCompSet global configuration options.
evalPointEvaluate the objective function.
getBudgetReturn the evaluation budget for the current problem.
getDimensionReturn the dimension of the search space of the current...
getEvalHistoryEvaluate the objective function.
getEvaluationsReturn the number of evaluations so far for the current...
getNumberOfProblemsReturn number of problems in selected track.
getNumberOfTracksReturn number of tracks.
getTrackNameReturn the name of the track.
loginLogin on server.
setProblemSelect a problem within the chosen track for optimization....
setTrackSet a track.
berndbischl/bbcompr documentation built on May 12, 2019, 4:28 p.m.