knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = TRUE, collapse = FALSE, results = 'hold')
knitr::knit_hooks$set(document = function(x){
  gsub("```\n*```r*\n*", "", x)

This Vignette is supposed to give you a more in-depth introduction to mlrMBO and the principles and different approaches of model-based optimization.

Objective Function

We use the Branin function for this example.

objfun1 = makeBraninFunction()
ggplot2::autoplot(objfun1, render.levels = TRUE, show.optimum = TRUE)

Initial Design

The second argument of the mbo() function - design - is the initial design with default setting NULL.

An easy (and recommended) way to create an initial design is to use the generateDesign() function from the ParamHelpers package. If no design is given (i.e. design = NULL) a Maximin Latin Hypercube lhs::maximinLHS() design is used with n = 4 * getNumberOfParameters(objfun1) points. Other possibilities to generate designs are for example generateGridDesign and generateRandomDesign.

Note: If special designs are desired (e.g., orthogonal designs), they can be given as a data.frame but you have to make sure that the output resembles the output of generateDesign().

For our objective function objfun1 we create a slightly larger number of initial points than the default suggests.

n = 5 * getNumberOfParameters(objfun1)
des = generateDesign(n = n, par.set = getParamSet(objfun1), fun = lhs::randomLHS)

If the design does not include the results of the objective function mbo will automatically calculate them in advance. Sometimes it makes sense to precalculate the results because you might want to reuse the design. In our case it is quite easy:

des$y = apply(des, 1, objfun1)

Note: mlrMBO uses y as a default name for the outcome of the objective function. This can be changed in the control object.

Surrogate Model

In our example we use Kiriging as a surrogate because it is the most common for numerical model-based optimization and has proven to be quite effective. We use mlr to generate the Kriging regression learner from the package DiceKriging. = makeLearner("", predict.type = "se", covtype = "matern3_2", control = list(trace = FALSE))

In fact you can use any other regression learner from mlr as a surrogate. Depending on the infill criterion we will set later it is important that the learner can predict the uncertainty (defined by predict.type = "se") alongside the mean prediction. Another popular surrogate would be the random forest. It's use is explained in the Vignette for mixed space optimization.


The MBOControl object controls the optimization process and is created with makeMBOControl(). All parameters are documented in ?makeMBOControl. Some that influence the way MBO works are e.g.: n.objectives: The number of objectives. 1 implies normal single criteria optimization and is covered in this page. For values >1 see the Vignette for multi-objective optimization. propose.points: The number of evaluated points in each iteration. The default is 1 and refers to the standard SMBO process. Higher values suggest that you want to do parallelization (see Vignette). * final.method: Defines how the final solution is proposed from the finished optimization process. The default is to return the best reached value of y and its corresponding x. However, this can give misleading results for noisy functions.


With setMBOControlInfill() you can change the default infill criterion settings in the MBOControl object. It is highly recommended to adjust the settings to suit your optimization problem and the surrogate model.

Argument crit

An important role plays the choice of how the next design points in the sequential loop are chosen. 5 different infill criteria can be set via the crit argument in setMBOControlInfill():

Here you can also further configure the infill criterion (e.g. crit.cb.lambds for the lambda parameter if crit == "cb").

Note: When using Kriging as a surrogate, numerical problems can occur if training points are too close to each other. To circumvent this problem you can set filter.proposed.points to TRUE. Then points closer then the value of filter.proposed.points.tol to an already evaluated point will be replaced with a random point.

Argument opt

The key idea behind model-based optimization is to substitute the expensive optimization on the black-box with optimization on the surrogate as this is deemed to be cheaper. To optimize the infill criterion on the surrogate we also need an optimizer. The optimum of the infill criterion function gives us the candidate to be evaluated on the expensive function. Which one to use can be defined with the opt argument. The possibilities are:

As all four infill optimization strategies do not guarantee to find the global optimum, users can set the number of restarts by the opt.restarts argument (default value is 1). Of all restarts the best infill criterion value determines the candidate to be evaluated.

Note: Only the focussearch optimizer is suitable for for categorical parameters in the parameter set.


With setMBOControlTermination() you can set multiple stopping criteria and the first one that is met will terminate the optimization process, e.g:

Note: You can also create your own stopping condition(s).


This extends a MBO control object with options for multi-point proposal. Multi-point proposal means, that multiple points are proposed and evaluated, which is especially useful for parallel batch evaluation. For a detailed introduction, check the Vignette on parallelization.


This adds multi-criteria optimization specific options to the control object. For details see the Vignette on multi-criteria optimization.

Experiments and Output

Although we presented various options we will mainly go with the defaults settings.

ctrl = makeMBOControl()
ctrl = setMBOControlInfill(
  control = ctrl,
  crit = makeMBOInfillCritEI()
ctrl = setMBOControlTermination(
  control = ctrl,
  iters = 10

Now we will apply the mbo() function to optimize the objective function.

res = mbo(objfun1, design = des, learner =, control = ctrl, = FALSE)

The default output of mbo contains the best found parameter set and the optimization path. The MBOResult object contains additional information, most importantly:

We can also change some arguments of the MBOControl object and run mbo() again:

ctrl = setMBOControlInfill(ctrl, crit = makeMBOInfillCriterCB())
ctrl = setMBOControlTermination(ctrl, iters = 5L)
mbo(objfun1, design = des, learner =, control = ctrl, = FALSE)

berndbischl/mlrMBO documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 1:44 p.m.