Mixed Space Optimization

Objective Function

The self-constructed function can be built with makeSingleObjetiveFunction. The par.set argument has to be a ParamSet object from the ParamHelpers package, which provides information about the parameters of the objective function and their constraints for optimization. We define j in the interval [0,1] and k as an integer in {1, 2}. The Parameter method is categorical and can be either "a" or "b". In this case we want to maximize the function, so we have to set minimize = FALSE. As the parameters are different types (e.g. numeric and categorical), the function expects a list instead of a vector as its argument (This is specified by has.simple.signature = FALSE). For further information about he smoof package we refer to the github page.

foo = function(x) {
  j = x[[1]]
  k = x[[2]]
  method = x[[3]]
  perf = ifelse(method == "a", k * sin(j) + cos(j),
               sin(j) + k * cos(j))

objfun2 = makeSingleObjectiveFunction(
  name = "example",
  fn = foo,
  par.set = makeParamSet(
    makeNumericParam("j", lower = 0,upper = 1),
    makeIntegerParam("k", lower = 1L, upper = 2L),
    makeDiscreteParam("method", values = c("a", "b"))
  has.simple.signature = FALSE,
  minimize = FALSE

objfun2(list(j = 0.5, k = 1L, method = "a"))
surr.rf = makeLearner("regr.randomForest")
control2 = makeMBOControl()
control2 = setMBOControlInfill(
  control = control2,
  crit = "mean"
control2 = setMBOControlTermination(
  control = control2,
  iters = 10

Optimization of objfun2

Now let us use mlrMBO to optimize objfun2, which contains one categorical variable. As we have already mentioned before, in case of factor variables only focussearch is suitable and kriging cannot be used as a surrogate model. If we use mean as the infill criterion, any kind of model which can handle factors variables is possible (like regression trees, random forests, linear models and many others).

mbo2 = mbo(objfun2, design = design2, learner = surr.rf, control = control2, show.info = FALSE)

If we want to use the expected improvement ei or (lower) confidence bound cb, the predict.type attribute of the learner has be set to se. A list of regression learners which support it can be viewed by:

listLearners(obj = "regr", properties = "se")

We modify the random forest to predict the standard error and optimize objfun2 by the ei infill criterion.

learner_rf = makeLearner("regr.randomForest", predict.type = "se")
control2$infill.crit = "ei"
mbo(objfun2, design = design2, learner = learner_rf, control = control2, show.info = FALSE)

berndbischl/mlrMBO documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 1:44 p.m.