
#' @param crit.plot [\code{logical(1)}]\cr
#'   Should the infill criterion versus the iteration be plotted? For multi objective
#'   and method = MSPOT multiple infill criterion values per iteration do exist,
#'   so a multi-dimensional plot is used. Default is TRUE
#' @param hv.plot [\code{logical(1)}]\cr
#'   Should the hypervolume development be plotted? Default is FALSE for single
#'   objective and TRUE for multi objective.
#' @param extra.measures [\code{character}]\cr
#'   Additional measures to be plotted versus the iteration. Must be the name
#'   of a column available in the optimization path. Notice that at most 4 plots
#'   can be rendered at the same time. Since X and Y Space plots will always be
#'   rendered, at most 2 addition plots are possible. You must deactivate crit.plot
#'   or hv.plot, if you want to add additional plots via extra.measure.
#'  @param ref.point [\code{numeric}]\cr
#'    Reference point used for the hypervolume development plot. Length of vector
#'    must equal the dimensionality of the optimization problem. Default is
#'    \code{NULL}, in this case the maximum / minimum values in the optimization
#'    path, that are alive in iteration iter, are used and increased / decreased
#'    by 0.1 (depending on minimization / maximization of the objective).
#'  @param lim.x [\code{list}], @param lim.y [\code{list}]\cr
#'    Axis limits for the plots. Must be a named list, so you can specify the
#'    axis limits for every plot. Every element of the list must be a numeric
#'    vector of length 2. Available names for elements are:
#'    XSpace - limits for the X-Space plot
#'    YSpaCe - limits for the Y-Space plot
#'    CritPlot - limits for the plot infill criterion plot
#'    HVPlot - limits for the Hypervolume Plit
#'    Extra1Plot - Limits for the Plot given by the first element of extra.measure
#'    Extra2Plot - Limits for the Plot given by the second element of extra.measure
#'    Default is an empty list - in this case limits are automatically set.
berndbischl/mlrMBO documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 1:44 p.m.