Man pages for berryni/mDINGO
DINGO: Differential Network Analysis in Genomics

DINGO-packagemDINGO: Microbial Differential Network Analysis in Genomics
dingoSEFit DINGO model with SpiecEasi.
extendedBICExtended bayesian information criteria for gaussian graphical...
gbmModified TCGA Glioblastoma data
gen_graphs_sfGenerate Covariate Dependent Scale-Free Graphs
Greg.emFitting precision regression models
igraph2precConvert igraph object into precision matrix.
plotGraphListPlot output from gen_graphs_sf
scaledMatscale a square matrix
scoring.bootCalculating differential score
scoring.boot.parallelCalculating differential score with parallel bootstrap...
Sigmaxgroup specific covariance matrices
single.bootCalculating differential score for a single bootstrap
trans.FisherFisher's Z-transformation
berryni/mDINGO documentation built on May 24, 2019, 3:04 a.m.