icd9_lookup: Lookup ICD9 codes from CCS codes

Description Usage Arguments Details Value


icd9_lookup takes a data frame with CCS codes and returns the corresponding ICD9 codes


icd9_lookup(df, procedure = FALSE)



A data frame with columns: disease.state, type, code


A logical indicating whether to use diagnosis codes (default) or procedure codes


Deprecated function, use icd_lookup instead.

This function takes a data frame with three columns: disease.state, type, and code. The column disease.state is a character field with the name of a disease state which will be used for grouping. The column type is a character field with either "ICD9" or "CCS", which indicates the type of code. The column code is a character field with the ICD9 or CCS code. For all rows with CCS codes, the function will look-up the corresponding ICD9 code and then return a data frame with two columns: disease.state and icd9.code. The procedure parameter is used to specify whether diagnosis codes or procedure codes should be returned.


A data frame with columns: disease.state, icd9.code

bgulbis/BGTools documentation built on May 12, 2019, 8:21 p.m.