
#  minid class -------------------------------------------------------
#' minid-class
#' An S4 class to represent a minid.
#' @slot identifier a character string containing the minid
#'   (e.g. ark:/99999/fk4mp58v5t)
#' @slot short_identifier a character string containing the short form minid
#'   (e.g. minid:fk4mp58v5t)
#' @slot creator a character string giving the name of the person who
#'   registered the minid (e.g. "mdarcy")
#' @slot orcid a character string giving the ORCID of the person who registered
#'   the minid
#' @slot created a character string giving the date and time the minid was
#'   created (e.g. "Mon, 19 Mar 2018 17:43:57 GMT")
#' @slot checksum the checksum of the identified digital object (e.g.
#'   "6484968f81afac84857d02b573b0d589fb2f9582a2b920572830dc5781e0a53c")
#' @slot checksum_function the hashing function used to calculate the checksum
#'   (e.g. "SHA")
#' @slot status The minid status (e.g. "ACTIVE" or "MOTHBALLED")
#' @slot locations A list of locations hostingthe identified digital object
#'   (e.g. "mdarcy - https://nih-commons.s3.amazonaws.com/misc/agr-example.tgz")
#' @slot titles A list of titles for the identified digital object (e.g.
#'   "mdarcy - AGR Data set with identifier-based references to data in cloud
#'   storage"
#' @slot obsoleted_by For minids that have "MOTHBALLED" status, a list of minids
#'   superceding the mothballed minid
#' @slot content_key a character string used for the hash of a bdbag
#' @section see also:
#' \code{?\link{minid}}
#' @import methods
#' @export
         slots = c(
           identifier = "character",
           short_identifier = "character",
           checksum = "character",
           titles = "list", # includes created, creator, title
           locations = "list", # includes created, creator, link, uri
           status = "character",
           obsoleted_by = "list",
           content_key = "character",
           creator = "character",
           orcid = "character",
           created = "character",
           checksum_function = "character"

#  configuration class -------------------------------------------------------
#' configuration-class
#' An S4 class to represent a minid configuration file.
#' @slot server a character string containing the minid server URL
#'   (e.g. http://minid.bd2k.org/minid)
#' @slot user a character string containing the user name (e.g. "Jane Smith")
#' @slot email email address for minid user
#' @slot orcid the user's ORCID - see https://orcid.org/ (e.g.
#'   "0000-0003-2898-9044")
#' @slot code the unique code sent when email address was validated
#' @section see also:
#' \code{?\link{configuration}}
#' @import methods
#' @export
         slots = c(
           server = "character",
           user = "character",
           email = "character",
           orcid = "character",
           code = "character"
bheavner/minid documentation built on Aug. 1, 2020, 9:38 p.m.