Man pages for bicbioeng/ctgPHYL
Package for Single-cell Data Visualization and Analysis

ctgPHYLsetThe ctgPHYLset class
ctgPHYLset-methodsMethods for the ctgPHYLset class
generate_treeFunction to Generate Cell Trees
makeCellscapeA Cell Tree Generating Function using cellscape
makeMapscapeA Cell Tree Generating Function using mapscape
make_method_matrixA Function That Creates A Predefined Matrix Of Usable...
makeTimescapeA Cell Tree Generating Function using timescape
plotOriginalTreeDisplay Original ctgPHYL Plots
tree2igraphA Function to Convert Cell Relationships in a SIF object to...
bicbioeng/ctgPHYL documentation built on April 13, 2020, 12:38 a.m.