Man pages for biobakery/Macarron
Prioritization of potentially bioactive metabolic features from epidemiological and environmental metabolomics datasets

calAVACalculate abundance versus anchor (AVA) of metabolic...
calESCalculate effect size of differential abundance of metabolic...
calQvalCalculate q-value of differential abundance of metabolic...
decorateIDCreate a chemical taxonomy table for annotated metabolic...
findMacModCluster metabolic features based on covarying abundances into...
makeDisMatCreate a biweight midcorrelation (WGCNA::bicor()) based...
prepInputCreate a SummarizedExperiment object
prioritizeRank metabolic features and prioritize based on predicted...
showBestView highly prioritized bioactives grouped by modules.
biobakery/Macarron documentation built on June 29, 2024, 7:58 a.m.