Man pages for biobakery/SparseDOSSA2
A Statistical Model for Describing and Simulating Microbial Community Profiles

control_fitControl options for fit_SparseDOSSA2 and fitCV_SparseDOSSA2
control_integratecontrol parameters for the numerical integrations during the...
fitCV_SparseDOSSA2Fit SparseDOSSA 2 model to a microbiome abundance dataset...
fit_SparseDOSSA2Fit SparseDOSSA 2 model to a microbiome abundance dataset
SparseDOSSA2Simulate synthetic microbial abundance observations with...
Stool_subsetA subset of the HMP1-II stool samples
biobakery/SparseDOSSA2 documentation built on Dec. 3, 2024, 10:17 p.m.