Man pages for biobakery/anpan
Quantifying Microbial Strain-Host Associations

anpanRun anpan
anpan_batchApply anpan to a many bugs
anpan_pglmmRun a phylogenetic generalized linear mixed model
anpan_pglmm_batchRun PGLMMs on a batch of tree files
anpan_pwy_ranefEstimate a species-pathway abundance random effects model
anpan_pwy_ranef_batchFit the pathway random effects model for multiple bugs
anpan_repeated_measuresUse repeated measures to refine the gene model
anpan_subjectwise_pglmmFit a subject-wise PGLMM
anpan_vignetteOpen the anpan vignette
compute_clade_effectsCompute a clade effect
filter_batchFilter a batch of files
filter_gfFilter a gene family file
get_cor_matGet the correlation matrix of a tree
get_genome_intersect_countsGet genome intersection counts
olap_tree_and_metaOverlap a tree and metadata
plot_cor_matPlot a correlation matrix Generate a colorful heatmap...
plot_elpd_diffPlot the ELPD difference interval
plot_genome_intersection_histogramsIntersection histograms
plot_genome_intersectionsPlot genome intersections
plot_half_cor_matPlot a rotated half correlation matrix
plot_linesMake a filter-labelled line plot
plot_outcome_treePlot a tree file showing the outcome variable
plot_p_value_histogramMake a p-value histogram
plot_pwy_ranefPlot a pathway random effects result
plot_pwy_ranef_intervalsPlot a pathway random effects result
plot_resultsPlot the data for top results
plot_tree_with_postPlot a tree and the PGLMM posterior on phylogenetic effects
plot_tree_with_post_predPlot a tree and the PGLMM posterior predictive
read_and_filterRead and filter a gene family file
read_bugRead a bug's genefamily file
biobakery/anpan documentation built on July 26, 2024, 11:19 p.m.