ppo_get_terms: Access Terms From the Plant Phenology Ontology

View source: R/ppo_get_terms.R

ppo_get_termsR Documentation

Access Terms From the Plant Phenology Ontology


Access present and absent terms from the Plant Phenology Ontology


ppo_get_terms(present = FALSE, absent = FALSE)



(boolean) If TRUE then return all "present" phenological stages


(boolean) IF TRUE then return all "absent" phenological stages.


The ppo_terms function returns terms from the Plant Phenology Ontology (PPO). The termID or label column can be used to query the 'termID' or 'mapped_traits' to ppo_data. The label and description columns are useful in determining the trait to query on. The URI column contains a link to the term itself which is useful for determining superclass and subclass relationships for each term.


A data frame with the columns: termID, label, description, and URI.


presentTerms <- ppo_terms(present = TRUE)
absentTerms <- ppo_terms(absent = TRUE)
allTerms <- ppo_terms(present = TRUE, absent = TRUE)
fruitTerms <- grep("fruit", ppo_filters$mapped_traits$label, value = TRUE)
ppo_data(genus = c( "Pinus", "Quercus"),
         specificEpithet = "palustris",
         mapped_traits = fruitTerms,
         fromYear = 2016, toYear = 2017)

biocodellc/rppo documentation built on July 8, 2023, 12:45 p.m.