extractUI: Extract data followed by the users' requirements.

Description Arguments Value

View source: R/RcmdrPlugin.RDataXMan.R


Extract data followed by the users' requirements.


Inclusion File

A character string with name of inclusion criterion, it could be multiple character strings, it also could be "". And the default value is "".

Variable File

A character vector with the name of variable list, it could be multiple character strings, it also could be "". And the default value is "".

Data Logic

A character with the name of logical relationship between multiple databases, include: intersection and union.

Select Output

A character string,including 1 to 4, to indicate the output element:

  • 1 means the output is a data frame including identifier.var of merge inclusion criteria;

  • 2 means the output is an excel file including summary statistic of inclusion criteria and variable list;

  • 3 means the output is a list including extracted raw data based on inclusion criteria and variable list;

  • 4 means the output is a list including force merge data based on inclusion criteria and variable list.


A logical value whether rewrite the inclusion criteria when it already exists. The default value is TRUE.


The summary.xls is returned. It will includes three kinds of combinations of the sheets depending on the request forms. For example, users submit inclusion criterion and variable list, the summary.xls will includes count summary sheet and variable summary sheet.

biostatUniBS/RcmdrPlugin.RDataXMan documentation built on Feb. 5, 2021, 9:10 a.m.