Man pages for bips-hb/pvm
PharmacoVigilance Methods

BCPNNBayesian Confidence Propagation Neural Network (BCPNN)
chi2TestChi-squared Test
convertRawReports2TablesConvert Reports to 2 x 2 Tables
convertRawReports2TablesRcppCreate 2 x 2 Tables
createTableCreate 2 x 2 Table
dbinbinomBimodal Negative Binomial
fisherExactTestFisher's Exact Test
fitPriorParametersGPSPrior Parameter Fit for the GPS
GPSGamma Poisson Shrinker (GPS)
loglikelihood2NegativeBinomialLog-Likelihood of the Bimodal Negative Binomial
logLikelihoodRatioBinomialBinomial Log-Likelihood Ratio Test
PoissonTestTest of the Poisson Mean
PRRProportional Reporting Rate (PRR)
RORReporting Odds Ratio (ROR)
RRRRelative Reporting Risk (RRR)
srdataA Simulated Spontaneous Reporting System
YulesQYule's Q
bips-hb/pvm documentation built on Dec. 14, 2020, 9:31 a.m.