Man pages for bishun945/FCMm
Fuzzy Cluster Method Based on the Optimized m Value (Fuzzifier)

AeronetOC2019Collection of coastal Aeronmet Ocean Color (AeronetOC) water...
apply_FCM_mApply the improved Fuzzy Cluster Method (FCMm) to new data...
apply_to_imageApply the improved Fuzzy Cluster Method (FCMm) to raster data
Assessment_via_clusterCalculate error metrics for all algorithm per cluster
Blend_Bi21Algorithm blending framework by Bi et al. (2021)
Blend_FCMmAlgorithm blending framework by Bi theses
Blend_Jac17Algorithm blending framework by Jackson et al. (2017)
Blend_Moo14Algorithm blending framework by Moore et al. (2014)
Blend_Smith18Blending algorithm by Smith et al. (2018)
BloomChla estimation algorithm for the bloom water type
C6C6 (Being deprecated)
cal_membcalculate membership values based on x, v, and m
cal.metricsAssess the performance of algorithms
cal.metrics.vectorAssess the performance of algorithms as vector
Chla_FBAFour-bands Chla algorithm by Yang et al. (2010) and Le et al....
Chla_Gil10_Git11Band-Ratio and Three-bands Chla algorithm by Gilerson et al....
Chla_OCx_OLCINASA standard ocean color algorithm (version 4, 5, and 6) for...
Color_plattesColor plattes including Spectral and RdYlBu
dt_waterAbsorption and scattering coefficient of pure water
FCMmFuzzy Cluster Method Based on the Optimized m Value...
FCM_m_Chla_estimationEstimate Chla concentration by algorithms blending via...
FCM.newRunning the improved Fuzzy Cluster Method (FCMm) by...
FuzzifierDeterminationDetermine the optimized fuzzifier for Fuzzy Cluster Method...
FuzzifierDetermination2The version 2 of FuzzifierDetermination
generate_paramGenerate the input parameter of apply_to_image based on the...
Getting_Asses_resultsGet the result of function Assessment_via_cluster
Gons08Gons algorithm by Gons et al. (2008)
level_to_variableConvert dataframe with factor to character
NDCI_Mi12Normalized Difference Chlorophyll Index (NDCI) algorithm by...
Nechad2015Collection of in_situ data by Nechad et al. (2015)
OCI_Hu12Ocean Color Index (OCI) algorithm by Hu et al. (2012)
OLCI_THA test Ocean and Land Color Instrument (OLCI) image raster in...
plot_specPlot results of the improved Fuzzy Cluster Method (FCMm)
plot_spec_from_dfPlot spectra from dataframe
plot_spec_groupPlot spectra from dataframe by group
QAA_v5Quasi-Analytical Algorithm version 5 (QAA_v5) by Lee et al....
Rrs_clusters.defaultSeven built-in clusters
run_all_Chla_algorithmsRun all Chla algorithms
Sampling_via_clusterStratified sampling by clusters or types
SCI_Shen10Synthetic Chlorophyll Index (SCI) algorithm by Shen et al....
Score_algorithms_intervalScore a vector of error metrics for algorithms by the...
Score_algorithms_sortScore a vector of error metrics for algorithms by the sort
Scoring_systemThe main function for algorithms scoring based on accuracy,...
SRF_LISTCollection of spectral responding functions
SRF_simulateSimulation of hyperspectral data by spectral response...
TC2Chla concentration algorithm for Turbid Case-2 (TC2) waters...
trapzTrapezoid integral calculation
trim_sdStandard deviation by trimmed values
Valente2019Collection of in_situ data by Valente et al. (2019)
WaterSpec35A test-purpose collection of inland water data
wavelength.defaultWavelength of built-in clusters
bishun945/FCMm documentation built on Oct. 15, 2021, 6:43 p.m.