Man pages for bit2r/kodlookr
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binning수치 데이터의 비닝
binning_by스코어링 모델링을 대상으로 한 최적 비닝 categorical variables numerical variables the correlation coefficient between two numerical...
correlate.tbl_dbiCompute the correlation coefficient between two numerical... descriptive statistic
describe.tbl_dbiCompute descriptive statistic data quality of categorical variables
diagnose_category.tbl_dbiDiagnose data quality of categorical variables in the DBMS data quality of variables data quality of numerical variables
diagnose_numeric.tbl_dbiDiagnose data quality of numerical variables in the DBMS outlier of numerical variables
diagnose_outlier.tbl_dbiDiagnose outlier of numerical variables in the DBMS the information of data diagnosis
diagnose_paged_report.tbl_dbiReporting the information of data diagnosis for table of the... the information of data diagnosis
diagnose_report.tbl_dbiReporting the information of data diagnosis for table of the... of level combinations of categorical variables
diagnose.tbl_dbiDiagnose data quality of variables in the DBMS the information of data diagnosis with html
diagnose_web_report.tbl_dbiReporting the information of data diagnosis for table of the...
dlookr_orange_pagedGenerate paged HTML document
dlookr_templ_htmldlookr HTML template Loads additional style and template file the information of EDA
eda_paged_report.tbl_dbiReporting the information of EDA for table of the DBMS 결과 보고서
eda_report.tbl_dbiReporting the information of EDA for table of the DBMS the information of EDA with html
eda_web_report.tbl_dbiReporting the information of EDA for table of the DBMS with...
entropyCalculate the entropy
extract.bins"bins"에서 빈(bin) 추출
find_classExtract variable names or indices of a specific class
find_naFinding variables including missing values
find_outliersFinding variables including outliers
find_skewnessFinding skewed variables
get_classExtracting a class of variables
get_column_infoDescribe column of table in the DBMS
get_osFinding Users Machine's OS
get_percentileFinding percentile
get_transformTransform a numeric vector
heartfailureHeart Failure Data
import_liberationImport Liberation Sans Narrow fonts
imputate_naImpute Missing Values
imputate_outlierImpute Outliers
jobchangeJob Change of Data Scientists
jsdJensen-Shannon Divergence
kldKullback-Leibler Divergence
kodlookr-packagekodlookr: dlookr 패키지 문서의 한글화 패키지
kurtosisKurtosis of the data the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality
normality.tbl_dbiPerforms the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality
overviewDescribe overview of data
performance_bin비닝된 변수의 성능 진단 bar chart of categorical variables
plot.bins"bins" 객체의 분포 시각화 Box-Plot of numerical variables
plot.compare_categoryVisualize Information for an "compare_category" Object
plot.compare_numericVisualize Information for an "compare_numeric" Object correlation plot of numerical data
plot_correlate.tbl_dbiVisualize correlation plot of numerical data histogram of numerical variables
plot.imputationVisualize Information for an "imputation" Object
plot_na_hclustCombination chart for missing value
plot_na_intersectPlot the combination variables that is include missing value
plot_na_paretoPareto chart for missing value distribution information of numerical data
plot_normality.tbl_dbiPlot distribution information of numerical data
plot.optimal_bins"optimal_bins" 객체의 분포 시각화 outlier information of numerical data diagnosis
plot_outlier.target_dfPlot outlier information of target_df
plot_outlier.tbl_dbiPlot outlier information of numerical data diagnosis in the...
plot.overviewVisualize Information for an "overview" Object
plot.performance_bin"performance_bin" 객체에 대한 성능 시각화 Q-Q plot of numerical variables
plot.relateVisualize Information for an "relate" Object
plot.transformVisualize Information for an "transform" Object
plot.univar_categoryVisualize Information for an "univar_category" Object
plot.univar_numericVisualize Information for an "univar_numeric" Object
print.relateSummarizing relate information
relateRelationship between target variable and variable of interest
skewnessSkewness of the data
summary.bins비닝된 변수의 요약
summary.compare_categorySummarizing compare_category information
summary.compare_numericSummarizing compare_numeric information
summary.imputationSummarizing imputation information
summary.optimal_bins최적 비닝의 성능 요약
summary.overviewSummarizing overview information
summary.performance_bin비닝된 변수의 성능 요약
summary.transformSummarizing transformation information
summary.univar_categorySummarizing univar_category information
summary.univar_numericSummarizing univar_numeric information by one variables
target_by.tbl_dbiTarget by one column in the DBMS
transformData Transformations
transformation_paged_reportReporting the information of transformation
transformation_reportReporting the information of transformation
transformation_web_reportReporting the information of transformation with html of univariate categorical variables of univariate numerical variables
bit2r/kodlookr documentation built on Dec. 19, 2021, 9:49 a.m.