
#' FDR Threshold
#' This function applies a user FDR threshold to input p-values
#' @param pval Required. A vector of uncorected P-Values.
#' @param fdr Optional. desired FDR cutoff. (Default = 0.05)
#' as y
#' @return Corrected PValues
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
fdrThres <- function (pval, fdr = 0.05) {
  n <- pval %>% length
  comp <- (pval %>% sort) < ((fdr/n) * (1:n))
  if (min(pval) < (fdr/n)) {
    w1 <- which(!comp)[1]
    return((fdr/n) * w1)
  else {
blogsdon/metanetwork documentation built on April 27, 2022, 3:53 p.m.