  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"


Amstools is a (mostly) NOSAMS specific package for working with AMS data and the NOSAMS database. The goal of amstools is to provide functions for common AMS data tasks, like getting data for a wheel, sample type, or any group of samples from the database, and useful bits like how many samples and wheels were run in a given period. Functions for converting AMS data among common formats and AMS data reduction are provided in a companion package, amsdata, also available from github.


You can install amstools from github with:


Load the package with:


Database connection

To interact with the NOSAMS DB, you'll need a working connection to the NOSAMS database via ODBC. amstools can store and retrieve credentials via the system key store. To store your credentials, run store_credentials("username") after installing and loading the package (library(amstools)).

If you can not use the system key store, an ODBC connection string stored in an environment variable called CONSTRING can be used as a less secure option. The connection string should reference a Data Source Name (DSN) set up within your odbc system. CONSTRING should have this format:


amstools has been tested with the Microsoft MSSQL driver on Windows and Mac OS X, and with the unixODBC and FreeTDS drivers on Linux.

Retrieving data

Functions for retrieving data and information for samples by wheel and by receipt number are available.

To get data for a receipt number, run getRecSR():

getRecSR(recnum = 1082)

The result is returned as a dataframe.

blongworth/amstools documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 6:52 p.m.