Man pages for bnaras/ASSISTant
Adaptive Subgroup Selection in Group Sequential Trials

ASSISTantThree stage group sequential adaptive design with subgroup...
ASSISTant-internalIs a scalar quantity is a specified range?
ASSISTDesignA class to encapsulate the adaptive clinical trial design of...
ASSISTDesignBA fixed sample design to compare against the adaptive...
ASSISTDesignCA fixed sample RCT design to compare against the adaptive...
colNamesForStageReturn a vector of column names for statistics for a given...
computeMeanAndSDCompute the mean and sd of a discrete Rankin distribution
computeMHPBoundariesCompute the three modified Haybittle-Peto boundaries
computeMHPBoundaryITTCompute the three modified Haybittle-Peto boundaries and...
DEFUSE3DesignThe DEFUSE3 design
generateDiscreteDataA data generation function using a discrete distribution for...
generateNormalDataA data generation function along the lines of what was used...
groupSampleSizeCompute the sample size for any group at a stage assuming a...
LLL.SETTINGSDesign and trial settings used in the Lai, Lavori, Liao paper...
mHP.bCompute the efficacy boundary (modified Haybittle-Peto) for...
mHP.btildeCompute the futility boundary (modified Haybittle-Peto) for...
mHP.cCompute the efficacy boundary (modified Haybittle-Peto) for...
wilcoxonCompute the standardized Wilcoxon test statistic for two...
bnaras/ASSISTant documentation built on Nov. 23, 2019, 6:20 p.m.