Man pages for bnaras/SBCpip
Stanford Blood Center Platelet Inventory Prediction

add_days_of_week_columnsAdd columns for days of the week to smoothed data
build_prediction_tableGiven the configuration and prediction data frame, build a...
create_cbc_featuresConstruct a tibble containing the quartiles of the CBC values...
create_datasetConstruct a dataset for use in forecasting
get_prediction_and_usageGet the actual prediction and platelet usage data from saved...
get_SBC_configGet the global package variable 'sbc_config'.
maComputing moving average of all past values including last...
model_config_changedCheck if model parameters have changed in two configurations.
msComputing moving sum of all past values including last value...
predict_for_datePredict usage for a specified date
process_all_cbc_filesProcess all cbc files in a folder and generate qc reports
process_all_census_filesProcess all census files in a folder and generate qc reports
process_all_inventory_filesProcess all inventory files in a folder and generate qc...
process_all_transfusion_filesProcess all transfusion files in a folder and generate qc...
process_data_for_dateProcess data for a particular date by reading files per...
read_one_cbc_fileRead a single cbc file data and return it, as is
read_one_census_fileRead a single census file data and return it, as is
read_one_inventory_fileRead a single inventory file and return it, as is
read_one_transfusion_fileRead a single transfusion file data and return it, as is
reset_configReset the global package variable 'sbc_config'
save_report_fileSave a generated report file in the report folder with the...
sbc_dashboardRun the Stanford Blood Center dashboard app
scale_datasetScale the dataset and return the scaling parameters
set_config_paramSet SBC configuration parameter to a specified value
set_initial_collection_dataSet the SBC initial number of units that will be collected...
set_initial_expiry_dataSet the SBC initial number of units that will expire in a day...
smooth_cbc_featuresSmooth the CBC features using a moving average
summarize_and_clean_cbcSummarize and clean the raw cbc data
summarize_and_clean_censusSummarize and clean the raw census data
summarize_and_clean_inventorySummarize and clean the raw transfusion data
summarize_and_clean_transfusionSummarize and clean the raw transfusion data
bnaras/SBCpip documentation built on May 5, 2019, 6:54 p.m.