
#' Sunrise Time
#' This function estimates sunrise time (in continuous hour values) for a given day of year and latitude.
#' @param DOY Day of year
#' @param Lat Latitude (in degrees)
#' @keywords Sunrise
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Calculating sunrise time for 365 day of the year for 45 degree latitude
#' DOY <- 1:365
#' Lat = 45
#' sunrise <- Sunset(DOY, Lat)
#' plot(DOY, sunrise)

Sunrise <- function(DOY, Lat){
  Delta <-   Declination(DOY)
  Hsr  <-  -180/pi*acos(-tan(pi/180*Lat)* tan(pi/180*Delta))/15
bnasr/calcSolar documentation built on May 17, 2019, 9:12 a.m.