Man pages for bnicenboim/eeguana
Flexible Manipulation of EEG Data

annotate_electrodesAdds the electrode labels to a head shape
annotate_eventsAdds a layer with the events on top of a plot of an eeg_lst.
annotate_headAdd a head shape to a ggplot
as_channel_dblCoerce a vector of real (double) numbers into a channel... an eeg_lst to a (base) data frame. a psd_lst to a (base) data frame. an eeg_lst to a long table in 'data.table' format. a psd_lst list to a long table in 'data.table'...
as_eeg_lstTransforms an object to a eeg_lst
as_sample_intConvert a time point into a sample.
as_tibble.eeg_lstConvert an eeg_lst to a long table in 'tibble' format.
as_tibble.psd_lstConvert an psd_lst to a long table in 'tibble' format.
as_tidytable.eeg_lstConvert an eeg_lst to a long table in 'tidytable' format.
as_tidytable.psd_lstConvert an psd_lst to a long table in 'tidytable' format.
as_timeConvert a sample point into a time point.
betweenConvenience function for range subsets
change_coordChange coordinate system from 3D to 2D
channel_dblBuilds a channel.
channels_tblFunctions to get or set the channel information of an eeg_lst...
chs_funGet the by-sample (or by-row) function of the specified...
chs_meanGet the by-sample (or by-row) mean of the specified channels.
component_dblBuilds a component.
count_complete_cases_tblCount number of complete segments of an eeg_lst object.
data_faces_10_trialsEEGs elicited when one subject saw faces and non-faces...
data_faces_ERPsERPs elicited when one subject saw faces and non-faces...
defunctDefunct functions in eeguana
dplyr_verbsDplyr-like functions for manipulating eeg_lst objects.
drop_incomplete_segmentsDrop segments with NAs from the eeg_lst
eeg_artifDetect artifacts and add them in the events table of an...
eeg_baselineBaseline an eeg_lst
eeg_bindBind eeg_lst objects.
eeg_downsampleDownsample EEG data
eeg_events_to_NARemove (transform to NA) problematic events from the signal...
eeg_icaEEG signal decomposition using Independent Component Analysis...
eeg_ica_cor_tblShow correlations between ICA sources and eye (EOG)...
eeg_ica_keepSelect independent components (or sources) to keep.
eeg_ica_showAdd independent components (or sources) to the signal table...
eeg_ica_summary_tblShow a table with a summary of the results of the ICA.
eeg_ica_var_tblShow the variance explained for each ICA sources.
eeg_interpolate_tblCreate a table with interpolated signals of an eeg_lst...
eeg_lstCreate an eeg_lst
eeg_power_bandCompute power bands.
eeg_psdCompute the power spectral density (PSD) of an EEG signal.
eeg_rereferenceRe-reference a channel or group of channels.
eeg_segmentSegment (and unsegment) an eeg_lst.
eeg_slice_signalChoose samples by the position
eeguana-packageeeguana: Flexible Manipulation of EEG Data
events_tblFunctions to get or set the events table of an eeg_lst...
fast_ICAWrapper for FastICA method for Independent Component Analysis...
fICAWrapper for FastICA methods for Independent Component...
filtApply a zero-phase low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, or...
ggplot.eeg_lstCreate an ERP plot
ica_matrix_lstFunction to get the list of mixing and unmixing matrices of...
install_py_eeguanaInstall the Python packages needed for 'eeguana'
is_channel_dblTest if the object is a channel or EOG channel
is_component_dblTest if the object is a component This function returns TRUE...
is_eeg_lstTest if the object is an eeg_lst.
is_events_tblTest if the object is an events_tbl This function returns...
is_psd_lstTest if the object is a psd_lst.
is_psd_tblTest if the object is a psd_tbl
is_sample_intTest if the object is a sample This function returns TRUE for...
is_signal_tblTest if the object is a signal_tbl
layout_32_1020Layout for a 32 electrodes cap at the standard 10-20 system
na_omitHandle Missing Values in eeg_lst objects
pipePipe operator
plot_componentsGenerates topographic plots of the components after running...
plot.eeg_lstCreate a basic signal plot
plot_in_layoutArrange ERP plots according to scalp layout
plot_topoCreate a topographic plot
psd_lstCreates a 'psd_lst'.
read_edfRead an edf/edf+/bdf file into R
read_fifRead a FIF file into R
read_ftRead a Fieldtrip file into R
read_setRead EEGlab set files (Matlab files) into R
read_vhdrRead a BrainVision file into R
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rpinkGenerates pink noise
sample_intBuilds a series of sample numbers.
segments_tblFunction to get the segments table of an eeg_lst object.
sig_fftCompute the one-dimensional discrete Fourier Transform.
sig_ifftCompute the one-dimensional inverse discrete Fourier...
signal_tblFunction to get the signal table of an eeg_lst object.
summariesDisplay information of the eeg_lst object.
summary.eeg_lstSummary of eeg_lst information.
theme_eeguanaEeguana ggplot themes
write_vhdrWrite an eeg_lst object to BrainVision file(s) (experimental)
bnicenboim/eeguana documentation built on March 16, 2024, 7:21 a.m.