plot_components: Generates topographic plots of the components after running...

plot_componentsR Documentation

Generates topographic plots of the components after running ICA on an eeg_lst


Note that unlike plot_topo, there is no need for faceting, or adding layers.


plot_components(data, ..., .projection = "polar", .standardize = TRUE)



An eeg_ica_lst


arguments passed to interpolate.


.Projection type for converting the 3D coordinates of the electrodes into 2d coordinates. .Projection types available: "polar" (default), "orthographic", or "stereographic"


Whether to standardize the color scale of each topographic plot.

See Also

Other plotting functions: annotate_electrodes(), annotate_events(), annotate_head(), eeg_downsample(), ggplot.eeg_lst(), plot.eeg_lst(), plot_in_layout(), plot_topo(), theme_eeguana()

Other ICA functions: eeg_ica_cor_tbl(), eeg_ica_keep(), eeg_ica_show(), eeg_ica_summary_tbl(), eeg_ica_var_tbl(), eeg_ica()

Other topographic plots and layouts: layout_32_1020, plot_in_layout(), plot_topo()


# For demonstration only, since ICA won't converge
# Suppressing an important warning:
suppressWarnings(data_faces_10_trials %>%
  eeg_ica(-EOGH, -EOGV, -M1, -M2, .method = fast_ICA, .config = list(maxit = 10))) %>%
  eeg_ica_keep(ICA1, ICA2) %>%
  plot_components() +
  annotate_head() +
  geom_contour() +
  annotate_electrodes(color = "black") +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

bnicenboim/eeguana documentation built on March 16, 2024, 7:21 a.m.