
#' Set dimensions and resolution of a plot in an R kernel-based Jupyter
#' notebook.
#' @param width Width in inches.
#' @param height Height in inches.
#' @param res PPI for rasterization.
#' @export
set_dim <- function(width, height, res = 300) {
  options(repr.plot.width = width,
          repr.plot.height = height,
          repr.plot.res = res)

#' Complementary function to \%in\%.
#' @param x Vector of elements to be matched.
#' @param vec Vector of elements to be matched against.
#' @return Logical vector of the same length as x.
#' @export
'%notin%' <- function(x, vec) {
  match(x, vec, nomatch = 0L) == 0L

#' Paste two strings using an infix operator.
#' @param a Character string.
#' @param b Character string.
#'  @return Character string as paste0(a, b).
#' @export
`%+%` <- function(a, b) {
  paste0(a, b)

#' Split values into discrete, equal sized bins.
#' @param x Values to bin.
#' @param n Number of bins.
#' @param labels Label the bins with simple sequence of numbers?
#' @return Factor of bins.
#' @export
bin_quantiles <- function(x, n, labels = NULL) {
  breaks <- quantile(x, seq(0, 1, 1 / n))
  bin_values(x, breaks, labels)

#' Split values into discrete bins.
#' @param x Values to bin.
#' @param breaks A vector of cut points or a single number determining
#'     the number of bins.
#' @param labels Label the bins with simple sequence of numbers?
#' @return Factor of bins.
#' @export
bin_values <- function(x, breaks, labels = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(labels)) {
    n <- ifelse(length(breaks) == 1, breaks, length(breaks) - 1)
    labels <- 1 : n
  cut(x, breaks, levels = breaks, labels = labels, include.lowest = TRUE)
bodkan/bodkanr documentation built on May 20, 2019, 3:05 p.m.