Man pages for bogind/SIRItoGTFS
Compare SIRI Datasets to GTFS Tables

addtripnumAdd a trip number
check_outlierCheck for outliers in a SIRI SpatialPointsDataFrame
check_outlier2Secondary outliers test
downloadGTFSildownload the Israeli GTFS .zip file
getlaststopsCreate a stops table for makexmlsiri
GTFSagencyGTFS Agency table relevant to SIRI sample
GTFScalendarGTFS calendar table relevant to SIRI sample
GTFSroutesGTFS routes table relevant to SIRI sample
GTFSshapesGTFS shapes table relevant to SIRI sample
GTFSstopsGTFS stops table relevant to SIRI sample
GTFSstop_timesGTFS stop_times table relevant to SIRI sample
GTFStripsGTFS trips table relevant to SIRI sample
lowmemST2POSIXconvert Stop_times columns to POSIXct on low memory machines
makexmlsiriCreate the required XML files for SIRI downloads
NearestStopFind the nearest stop to each SIRI SpatialPoint
organizeSIRIdfOrganize the subset of the SIRI DataFrame
organizeSIRIdf2Organize the subset of the SIRI DataFrame
organizeStopTimesOrganizes the GTFS Stop_times table
readGTFSread GTFS files from a folder into R's environment
SIRIKeepClosestStopKeep only the closest stop to each SIRI observation
sirisampleA SIRI data frame sample
SIRItoGTFS-packageCompare SIRI real time data with GTFS schedules
SIRItoILTMProjects a SIRI data frame to a spatial points object with...
SIRItoPOSIXctconvert SIRI date time columns to POSIXct
SIRItoSPProjects a SIRI data frame to a spatial points data frame
STGWrapper function for the SIRItoGTFS library
StopsForSIRIsubset stops for SIRIdf
stopstoILTMProjects the GTFS stops table to Israel's TM grid
stopstoSPProjects the GTFS stops table to a SpatialPointsDataFrame
StopTimes2POSIXctConverts a Stoptimes column to POSIXct
SubsetSIRISubset your SIRI dataset to only one Route
substoptimesSubset the stop_times table
bogind/SIRItoGTFS documentation built on March 14, 2021, 10:01 p.m.