Man pages for boppingshoe/bootylator
Bootstrap Program for CSS Estimates

bootystrapperBootstrap using surv_calc and organize output
doCalcsTake bootstrap output and return summary data for all annual...
doCalcs_ucTake bootstrap output and return summary data for all annual...
format_datImport and format data for ready to use by 'surv_calc()'
mark_calcEstimate survivals/detection using likelihood method, with...
mark_datMake an ".inp" file for packages RMark.
marrayConstruct m-ij array
marray_wtdConstruct m-ij array with weighted probability
siml_cjsdata simulation for single release, diff surv for int and seg...
surv_calcEstimate survivals, detections, and tally adult returns
boppingshoe/bootylator documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:01 p.m.