FAKEA /fejka/

Create fake furniture product names

To avoid terrible attempts at pseudo-Swedish/Scandinavian product names, here's a package that supplies you with some 12,000 fake products – all based on actual Swedish words and place names (as they should).



The "IKEA name" function

I've seen the Your IKEA name is your name backwards with an umlaut on the first vowel. I don't think this is super accurate as the only Swedish "umlauts" are ä and ö (and å if you count the more uniquely Swedish letter), and ë, ï and ü are only used marginally, exclusively in loanwords. The function makea() will use the original idea if original=TRUE, but in the default original=FALSE it will substitute instances of a and o to å or ä and ö, respectively. If the additional argument swedeness is set to 1 or 2 (default is 0), a few minor corrections for di- and trigraphs in Swedish orthography are made.

> makea("Orbacka")
[1] "Äkcabro"
> makea("Orbacka", original=T, swedeness = 1)
[1] "Äckabro"
> makea("Orbacka", original=F, swedeness = 1)
[1] "Åckabro"
> makea("Orbacka", original=T, swedeness = 2)
[1] "Äckabro"
> makea("Chewbacca", original = F, swedeness = 2)
[1] "Åckåbvutj"
> makea("Schokoladechance", original=F, swedeness = 1)
[1] "Eknåchedålokosch"
> makea("Schokoladechance", original=F, swedeness = 2)
[1] "Eknåtjedalokosj"

Using makea(original=TRUE) (note the un-Swedish characters ü and ë): Original

Using makea(original=FALSE): Adapted


With the function swedify(), you can make any input string look more Swedish, for example by adapting some orthographic patterns to Swedish (if argument swedeness > 0) or by going bänänås by adding random ümlåuts to the string (if argument swedeness > 9000).

> swedify("Chewbacca",swedeness=1, capitalize=T)
[1] "Chewbacka"
> swedify("Skywalker",swedeness=1, capitalize=T)
[1] "Skywalker"
> swedify("Chewbacca",swedeness=2, capitalize=T)
[1] "Tjuvbacka"
> swedify("Skywalker",swedeness=2, capitalize=T)
[1] "Skyvalkare"
> swedify("Chewbacca",swedeness=9001, capitalize=T)
[1] "Tjuvbåckä"
> swedify("Skywalker",swedeness=9001, capitalize=T)
[1] "Skyvålkare"

Creating labels

Create automatic or custom labels in the style of the original. The logo argument is either 0 (blank label) or 1 or 2 (logotype label).

Automatic (from pre-generated data set):

make_tag(logo=2, currency="$", language="sw", directory="path/to/outfile/directory")

Custom (from manual input)

make_custom_tag(logo=2, currency = "$", language = "sw", txt1 = "PRODUCT NAME", txt2 = "Product category", txt3 = "price", destfile = "path/to/outfile")

Product label (plain)

get_cat() %>%
  make_tag(logo=2, currency = "$")

Product label (with logo)

get_cat() %>%
  make_tag(logo=2, currency = "£")

Simulate other languages/countries

With an added language variable, you can simulate products from another country/language. Currently available:





Dutch (NL)


Hebrew (IL)


English (TT)


English (UK)


English (US)


borstell/fakea documentation built on May 4, 2020, 4:26 a.m.