sdmbench: sdmbench: Benchmark Species Distribution Models

Description Download data Benchmark models Evaluate results


This package provides tools and functions to benchmark Species Distribution Models (SDMs). In addition to domain specific tools, a GUI is provided as an easier interface.

Download data

A good starting point to explore the package is to run the run_sdmbench function. This will start a GUI that can guide you through several typical benchmarking workflows.

To obtain benchmarking data you can use get_benchmarking_data, followed by partition_data if you want to avoid spatial autocorrelation.

Benchmark models

The output of the previous functions can be then fed into benchmark_sdm which runs the actual benchmarking.

Evaluate results

You can inspect the model results by using the get_best_model_results function, or by plotting them on a map with plot_sdm_map.

There are several additional functions that you might find useful. Those are described in the package vignette.

boyanangelov/sdmbench documentation built on Dec. 14, 2020, 1:08 a.m.