Man pages for bozenne/lavaSearch2
Tools for Model Specification in the Latent Variable Framework

addLinkAdd a New Link Between Two Variables in a LVM
autoplot_calibrateType1Graphical Display of the Bias or Type 1 Error
autoplot.intDensTri2D-display of the Domain Used to Compute the Integral
autoplot.modelsearch2Display the Value of a Coefficient across the Steps.
calcDistMaxAdjust the p.values Using the Quantiles of the Max Statistic
calcType1postSelectionCompute the Type 1 Error After Selection [EXPERIMENTAL]
calibrateType1Simulation Study Assessing Bias and Type 1 Error
checkDataCheck that Validity of the Dataset
cleanSimplify a lvm object
coef2Model Coefficients With Small Sample Correction
coefByTypeExtract the Coefficient by Type
coefTypeExtract the Type of Each Coefficient
combinationForm all Unique Combinations Between two Vectors
combineFormulaCombine formula
compare2Test Linear Hypotheses With Small Sample Correction
confint2Confidence Intervals With Small Sample Correction
contrast2nameCreate Rownames for a Contrast Matrix
convFormulaCharacterformula character conversion
createContrastCreate Contrast matrix
createGridCreate a Mesh for the Integration
defineCategoricalLinkIdentify Categorical Links in LVM
dfSigmaDegree of Freedom for the Chi-Square Test
dot-dinformation2-internalCompute the First Derivative of the Expected Information...
effects2Effects Through Pathways With Small Sample Correction
estimate2Satterthwaite Correction and Small Sample Correction
evalInParentEnvFind Object in the Parent Environments
extractDataExtract Data From a Latent Variable Model
findNewLinkFind all New Links Between Variables
gaussian_weightEstimate LVM With Weights
getIndexOmegaIdentify the Endogenous Variables
getNewLinkExtract the Links that Have Been Found by the modelsearch2.
getNewModelExtract the Model that Has Been Retains by the modelsearch2.
getStepExtract one Step From the Sequential Procedure
getVarCov2Residual Variance-Covariance Matrix With Small Sample...
glht2General Linear Hypothesis Testing With Small Sample...
hessian2Hessian With Small Sample Correction.
hessian2-internalCompute the Hessian Matrix From the Conditional Moments
iid2Influence Function With Small Sample Correction.
iid2plotDisplay the i.i.d. Decomposition
iidJackJackknife iid Decomposition from Model Object
information2Expected Information With Small Sample Correction.
information2-internalCompute the Expected Information Matrix From the Conditional...
initVarLinkNormalize var1 and var2
intDensTriIntegrate a Gaussian/Student Density over a Triangle
lavaSearch2Tools for Model Specification in the Latent Variable...
leverage2Leverage With Small Sample Correction.
matrixPowerPower of a Matrix
modelsearch2Data-driven Extension of a Latent Variable Model
moments2Compute Key Quantities of a Latent Variable Model
nobs2Effective Sample Size.
nStepFind the Number of Steps Performed During the Sequential...
residuals2Residuals With Small Sample Correction.
sampleRepeatedSimulate Repeated Measurements over time
score2Score With Small Sample Correction
score2-internalCompute the Corrected Score.
sCorrectDepreciated Method For Small Sample Correction
selectRegressorRegressor of a Formula.
selectResponseResponse Variable of a Formula
setLinkSet a Link to a Value
skeletonPre-computation for the Score
summary2Latent Variable Model Summary After Small Sample Correction
summary.calibrateType1Display the Type 1 Error Rate
summary.glht2Outcome of Linear Hypothesis Testing
summary.modelsearch2summary Method for modelsearch2 Objects
symmetrizeSymmetrize a Matrix
transformSummaryTableApply Transformation to Summary Table
tryWithWarningsRun an Expression and Catch Warnings and Errors
var2dummyConvert Variable Names to Dummy Variables Names.
vcov2Variance-Covariance With Small Sample Correction
vcov2-internalInverse the Information Matrix
bozenne/lavaSearch2 documentation built on July 21, 2024, 8:37 p.m.