coefType: Extract the Type of Each Coefficient

coefTypeR Documentation

Extract the Type of Each Coefficient


Extract the type of each coefficient of a lvm object.


coefType(object, as.lava, ...)

## S3 method for class 'lvm'
coefType(object, as.lava = TRUE, data = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'lvmfit'
coefType(object, as.lava = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'multigroup'
coefType(object, as.lava = TRUE, ...)



a lvm or lvmfit object.


[logical] export the type of coefficients mimicking lava:::coef.


arguments to be passed to lava::coef


[data.frame, optional] the dataset. Help to identify the categorical variables.


A lvm can be written as a measurement model:

Y_i = \nu + \Lambda \eta_i + K X_i + \epsilon_i

and a structural model:

\eta_i = \alpha + B \eta_i + \Gamma X_i + \zeta_i

where \Psi is the variance covariance matrix of the residuals \zeta
and \Sigma is the variance covariance matrix of the residuals \epsilon.

coefType either returns the Latin/Greek letter corresponding to the coefficients or it groups them:

  • intercept: \nu and \alpha.

  • regression: \Lambda, K, B, and \Gamma.

  • covariance: extra-diagonal terms of \Sigma and \Psi.

  • variance: diagonal of \Sigma and \Psi.

A link denotes a relationship between two variables. The coefficient are used to represent the strength of the association between two variable, i.e. the strength of a link. A coefficient may corresponds to the strength of one or several link.


coefType returns a data.frame when as.lava=FALSE:

  • name: name of the link

  • Y: outcome variable

  • X: regression variable in the design matrix (could be a transformation of the original variables, e.g. dichotomization).

  • data: original variable

  • type: type of link

  • value: if TRUE, the value of the link is set and not estimated.

  • marginal: if TRUE, the value of the link does not impact the estimation.

  • detail: a more detailed description of the type of link (see the details section)

  • lava: name of the coefficient in lava

When as.lava=TRUE, coefType returns a named vector containing the type of each coefficient.


#### regression ####
m <- lvm(Y~X1+X2)
e <- estimate(m, lava::sim(m, 1e2))


#### LVM ####
m <- lvm()
regression(m) <- c(y1,y2,y3)~u
regression(m) <- u~x1+x2
latent(m) <- ~u
covariance(m) <- y1~y2

m.Sim <- m
categorical(m.Sim, labels = c("a","b","c")) <- ~x2
e <- estimate(m, lava::sim(m.Sim, 1e2))


## additional categorical variables 
categorical(m, labels = as.character(1:3)) <- "X1"

coefType(m, as.lava = FALSE)

#### LVM with constrains ####
m <- lvm(c(Y1~0+1*eta1,Y2~0+1*eta1,Y3~0+1*eta1,
latent(m) <- ~eta1 + eta2
e <- estimate(m, lava::sim(m,1e2))


#### multigroup ####
m <- lvm(Y~X1+X2)
eG <- estimate(list(m,m), list(lava::sim(m, 1e2), lava::sim(m, 1e2)))

bozenne/lavaSearch2 documentation built on Feb. 13, 2024, 10:18 p.m.