Man pages for bozenne/riskRegressionLight
Light version of the package riskRegression ate Object Into a 'data.table' ate Object Into a 'data.table' influenceTest Object Into a 'data.table' predictCox Object Into a 'data.table' predictCSC Object Into a 'data.table'
ateCompute the Average Treatment Effects Via the G-formula
ateRobustAverage Treatment Effects (ATE) for survival outcome (with...
autoplot.atePlot Average Risks
autoplot.predictCoxPlot Predictions From a Cox Model
autoplot.predictCSCPlot Predictions From a Cause-specific Cox Proportional...
boot2pvalueCompute the p.value from the distribution under H1
calcSeCoxComputation of standard errors for predictions
calcSeCSCStandard error of the absolute risk predicted from...
coef.CauseSpecificCoxExtract coefficients from a Cause-Specific Cox regression...
colCenter_cppApply - by column
colCumSumApply cumsum in each column
colMultiply_cppApply * by column
colScale_cppApply / by column
colSumsCrossprodApply crossprod and colSums
confBandCoxCompute quantiles of a gaussian process
confint.ateConfidence Intervals and Confidence Bands for the Predicted...
confint.ateRobustConfidence Intervals for the Average Treatment Effect
confint.influenceTestConfidence Intervals and Confidence Bands for the Difference...
confint.predictCoxConfidence Intervals and Confidence Bands for the predicted...
confint.predictCSCConfidence Intervals and Confidence Bands for the Predicted...
coxBaseEstimatorExtract the type of estimator for the baseline hazard
coxCenterExtract the mean value of the covariates
coxFormulaExtract the formula from a Cox model
coxLPCompute the linear predictor of a Cox model
coxModelFrameExtract the design matrix used to train a Cox model
coxNExtract the number of observations from a Cox model
coxSpecialSpecial characters in Cox model
coxStrataDefine the strata for a new dataset
coxStrataLevelReturns the name of the strata in Cox model
coxVarCovExtract the variance covariance matrix of the beta from a Cox...
coxVariableNameExtract variable names from a model
CSCCause-specific Cox proportional hazard regression
dicreteRootDichotomic search for monotone function
iidCoxExtract i.i.d. decomposition from a Cox model
influenceTestInfluence test [Experimental!!]
MelanomaMalignant melanoma data
model.matrix.cphExtract design matrix for cph objects
model.matrix.phregExtract design matrix for phreg objects
predict.CauseSpecificCoxPredicting Absolute Risk from Cause-Specific Cox Models
predictCoxFast computation of survival probabilities, hazards and...
predictCoxPLComputation of survival probabilities from Cox regression...
predictGLMCompute the influence function for the prediction.
predictRiskExtrating predicting risks from regression models
predictSurvCompute Event-Free Survival From a CSC Object
print.atePrint Average Treatment Effects
print.ateRobustPrint Average Treatment Effect
print.CauseSpecificCoxPrint of a Cause-Specific Cox regression model
print.influenceTestOutput of the DIfference Between Two Estimates
print.predictCoxPrint Predictions From a Cox Model
print.predictCSCPrint Predictions From a Cause-specific Cox Proportional...
reconstructDataReconstruct the original dataset
rowCenter_cppApply - by row
rowCumSumApply cumsum in each row
rowMultiply_cppApply * by row
rowScale_cppApply / by row
rowSumsCrossprodApply crossprod and rowSums
sampleDataSimulate data with binary or time-to-event outcome
selectJumpEvaluate the influence function at selected times
sliceMultiply_cppApply * by slice
sliceScale_cppApply / by slice
splitStrataVarReconstruct each of the strata variables
summary.riskRegressionSummary of a risk regression model
SurvResponseVarExtract the time and event variable from a Cox model
terms.phregExtract terms for phreg objects
transformCICompute Confidence Intervals using a transformation
transformCIBPCompute Confidence Intervals/Bands and P-values After a...
transformIIDCompute Influence Functions after Transformation
transformPCompute P-values After a Transformation
transformSECompute Standard Errors after Transformation
bozenne/riskRegressionLight documentation built on May 7, 2019, 12:52 a.m.