
## Test the gdp join function


## set up test data
past <- tibble(year=c(2000, 2005, 2010)) %>%
  tidyr::crossing(iso=c('xxl', 'xxp')) %>%
  mutate(gdp=if_else(iso == 'xxl', 10 * year, 5 * year))

future <- tibble(year = rep(c(2005, 2010, 2015), 2), iso = c(rep('xxl', 3), rep('xxp', 3)),
                 gdp = c(cumprod(rep(1.05, 3)), cumprod(rep(1.02, 3)) ) ) %>%
  tidyr::crossing(scenario=c('gud', 'bad')) %>%
  mutate(gdp=if_else(scenario == 'gud', gdp, gdp * 0.9^((year - 2005) / 5)))

test_that('Joining time series with future scenarios works', {
  rslt <- join.gdp.ts(past, future, 'iso')
  expect_equal(sort(names(rslt)), c('gdp','iso','scenario','year'))
  expect_equal(nrow(rslt), 16)
  expect_equal(unique(rslt$year), c(2000, 2005, 2010, 2015))
  expect_equal( (filter(rslt, year == 2000) %>% arrange(scenario, iso))[['gdp']],
                c(20000, 10000, 20000, 10000) )
  gdp2010 <- (filter(rslt, year == 2010) %>% arrange(scenario, iso))[['gdp']]
  expect_equal( gdp2010, c(20100, 10050, 20100, 10050) )
  expect_equal( (filter(rslt, year == 2015) %>% arrange(scenario, iso))[['gdp']],
                c(0.9*1.05, 0.9*1.02, 1.05, 1.02) * gdp2010)

test_that('Joining time series without future scenarios works', {
  fut <- filter(future, scenario=='gud') %>% select(-scenario)
  rslt <- join.gdp.ts(past, fut, 'iso')
  expect_equal(sort(names(rslt)), c('gdp', 'iso', 'year'))
  expect_equal(nrow(rslt), 8)
  gdp2010 <- (filter(rslt, year == 2010) %>% arrange(iso))[['gdp']]
  expect_equal( gdp2010, c(20100, 10050) )
  expect_equal( (filter(rslt, year == 2015) %>% arrange(iso))[['gdp']],
                c(1.05, 1.02) * gdp2010)
bpbond/gcamdata documentation built on March 22, 2023, 4:52 a.m.