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WGPAN Whole-Genome Pairwise Alignment Noising

written by Bradford Condon, under advisement of Mark Farman University of Kentucky

Special thanks to Hadley Wickham for writing a fantastsic guide to distributing R packages. This package usesformatR::tidy_dir("R") to format code. Apologies about the inconsistent camel_case and snakeCase usaage, I was but a fledgeling programmer.


The WGPAN (Whole-Genome Pairwise Alignment Noising) package was designed to deal with neighbor-joining trees built from whole-genome pairwise alignment. Traditional bootstrapping methods are invalid, because there is not a single alignment of all genomes to sample with replacement from. As such, a new method for assigning confidence to nodes in a tree was required. WGPAN allows you to assign confidence values to nodes that are relevant for within clade confidence only. You can therefore test hypotheses regarding user-defined clades, not the relationship among those clades.

In addition, I've included some general utilities to make life a little easier when manipulating trees with the excellent package APE. The vignette and documentation is forthcoming for these methods.


Using github


This package is only available via github. If you are interested in maintaining this package i would happily hand over control.


For example usage of the bootstrapping methods, please see the vignette

bradfordcondon/WGPAN documentation built on Oct. 26, 2019, 12:25 p.m.