
Defines functions box_load box_save_image box_save

Documented in box_load box_save box_save_image

#' Download/upload an R workspace from/to a Box file
#' Use these functions to save and load workspaces or collections of objects
#' to or from Box. Similar to [save()], [save.image()], and [load()]: 
#' these functions operate on files at Box instead of on local files.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{`box_save()`}{Save object(s) using [save()], write to Box.}
#'   \item{`box_save_image()`}{Save workspace image using [save.image()], 
#'     write to Box.}
#'   \item{`box_load()`}{Read from Box, load using [load()].}
#' }
#' @aliases box_load
#' @inheritParams box_ul
#' @param ... Objects to be saved, quoted or unquoted; passed to `save()`.
#' @return 
#' \describe{
#'   \item{`box_save(), box_save_image()`}{Object with S3 class 
#'     [`boxr_file_reference`][boxr_S3_classes].}
#'   \item{`box_load()`}{From [load()], a character vector of the names of
#'     objects created, invisibly.}
#' }
#' @seealso [save()], [save.image()], [load()]
#' @export
box_save <- function(..., dir_id = box_getwd(), file_name = ".RData", 
                     description = NULL) {
  # using local_tempdir() to preserve the filename
  temp_file <- fs::path(withr::local_tempdir(), file_name)

  save(..., envir = parent.frame(), file = temp_file)
  box_ul(dir_id, temp_file, description = description)

#' @rdname box_save
#' @export
box_save_image <- function(dir_id = box_getwd(), file_name = ".RData", 
                           description = NULL, filename) {
  dir_id <- as_box_id(dir_id)
  # TODO: in future version, remove argument
  if (!missing(filename)) {
      "argument `filename` is deprecated; please use `file_name` instead.", 
      call. = FALSE
    if (is.null(file_name)) {
      file_name <- filename
  # using local_tempdir() to preserve the filename
  temp_file <- fs::path(withr::local_tempdir(), file_name)

  save.image(file = temp_file)
  box_ul(dir_id, temp_file, description = description)

#' @rdname box_save
#' @export
box_load <- function(file_id) {  
  # using local_tempdir() to preserve the filename
  temp_dir  <- withr::local_tempdir()
  temp_file <- box_dl(file_id, overwrite = TRUE, local_dir = temp_dir)
  load(temp_file, envir = globalenv())
brendan-R/boxr documentation built on April 12, 2024, 11:14 p.m.