
Defines functions stack_rows_df stack_rows_tbl stack_row_df stack_row_tbl prepare_list box_terminal_http_codes modify_remote_dir clear_box_dir modify_test_dir create_test_dir skip_on_travis box_test_auth trunc_start trunc_end collab_access_helper comment_item_helper collab_item_helper trimDir checkAuth box_datetime catif boxAuthOnAttach dir_id_tidy boxrStartupMessage `%|0|%` is_void as_box_id box_filename

# From https://box-content.readme.io/reference#upload-a-file
# Box only supports file names of 255 characters or less. Names that will not be
# supported are those that contain non-printable ascii, / or \, names with 
# trailing spaces, and the special names "." and "..".
box_filename <- function(x) {
  x <- iconv(x, from = "", to = "ascii")
  if (is.na(x))
    stop("box.com accepts only valid ASCII filenames. Filename conversion to",
         " ASCII via iconv() failed. See ?Encoding")
  if (nchar(x) > 255)
    stop("box.com accepts only filenames of 255 characters or less. Filename ",
         "is ", nchar(x), " characters long.")
  if (grepl("^[[:space:]]+|^\\.{1,2}$", x))
    stop('box.com file names may begin with a space, or be "." or "..".')

# ref: https://rlang.r-lib.org/reference/topic-error-call.html
as_box_id <- function(x, arg = rlang::caller_arg(x), 
                      call = rlang::caller_env()) {
  # a box_id is a string that contains only digits
  # some defaults are NULL; we just pass these through
  if (is.null(x)) {

  id  <- as.character(x)
  has_only_digits <- stringr::str_detect(id, "^\\d+$")
  if (!all(has_only_digits)) {
      message = "{.arg {arg}} must contain only digits",
      class = "boxr_id",
      call = call

# helper to identify void values
is_void <- function(x) {
  is.null(x) ||
    identical(x, "") ||
    identical(nchar(x), integer(0)) ||

# helper to discriminate on void values, similar to %||%
`%|0|%` <- function(x, y) {
  if (is_void(x)) {
    return (y)

# Function to present different package startup messages, based on whether or
# not it looks like the user has used boxr before
boxrStartupMessage <- function() {
  path_cache <- harmonize_token_location("~/.boxr-oauth")
  new_user <- !file.exists(path_cache)
  if (new_user) {
      "boxr: see `vignette(\"boxr\")` on how to authorize to your Box account."

# Short function to tidy up the variable which stores the creation of new remote
# directories, putting the id at the same place on each
dir_id_tidy <- function(x) {
  x <- as.character(x)
  before <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(x, "\\(id: "), function(x) x[1]))
  after  <- 
    paste("(id:", unlist(lapply(strsplit(x, "\\(id: "), function(x) x[2])))
  spaces <- lapply(
      paste(rep(" ", max(nchar(before)) - y), collapse = "")
  paste0(before, spaces, after)

# A simple wrapper for box_auth, with defaul options suitable for running 
# at startup
boxAuthOnAttach <- function() {
  if (Sys.getenv("BOX_AUTH_ON_ATTACH") == "TRUE")
        cache = Sys.getenv("BOX_TOKEN_CACHE"),
        interactive = FALSE, 
        write.Renv = FALSE
      silent = TRUE

# A version of cat which only works if the package options are set to verbose,
# and pads out the message with spaces so that it fills/wipes the console.
# It also appends \r to the start of each message, so that you can stick them in
# a loop, for example
catif <- function(...) {
  if (getOption("boxr.verbose")) {
    txt <- paste(..., collapse = " ")
    width <- max(getOption("width"), nchar(txt))
      "\r", txt, 
      paste(rep(" ", max(0, width - nchar(txt) - 1)), collapse = "")

# A function to convert the datetime strings that the box api uses, to something
# R can understand
box_datetime <- function(x) {
  # R has trouble figuring out the time format
  x <- as.character(x)
  # Split out the date/time part
  dt <- substr(x, 1, nchar(x) - 6)
  # and the timezone offset
  tz <- substr(x, nchar(x) - 5, nchar(x))
  tz <- gsub(":", "", tz)
  # Note, the timzeone of the datetime boject will be the system default,
  # bit it's value will have been adjusted to account for the timzone of x
  as.POSIXct(paste0(dt, tz), format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")

checkAuth <- function() {
  if (is.null(getOption("boxr.token") %||% getOption("boxr_token_jwt")))
    stop("It doesn't look like you've set up authentication for boxr yet.\n",
         "See ?box_auth or ?box_auth_jwt")

# Something for keeping dir strings a constant length for calls to cat
trimDir <- function(x, limit = 25) {
  n <- nchar(x)
  if (n > limit)
    return(paste0("...", substr(x, n - limit + 3, n)))
  if (n < limit)
    return(paste0(paste(rep(" ", limit - n), collapse = ""), x)) else x

# Helper for `box_collab_get()` to decided between competing arguments
collab_item_helper <- function(dir_id, file_id) {
    is.null(dir_id) | is.null(file_id),
    msg = "You can specify only one of `dir_id` or `file_id`, both were set."
  item_id <- dir_id %||% file_id
    msg = "You must specify at least one of `dir_id` or `file_id`, both were NULL."
  item_type <- ifelse(!is.null(dir_id), "folder", "file")
  list(id = as.character(item_id), type = item_type)

# related to collab_item_helper(), how can we combine these in a helper's helper?
comment_item_helper <- function(file_id, comment_id) {
    is.null(file_id) | is.null(comment_id),
    msg = "You can specify only one of `file_id` or `comment_id`, both were set."
  item_id <- file_id %||% comment_id
    msg = "You must specify at least one of `file_id` or `comment_id`, both were NULL."
  item_type <- ifelse(!is.null(file_id), "file", "comment")
  list(id = as.character(item_id), type = item_type)

collab_access_helper <- function(user_id, group_id, login) {
  arg <- function(x) as.integer(!is_void(x))
  n_arg <- arg(user_id) + arg(group_id) + arg(login)
    identical(n_arg, 1L),
    msg = "You can specify only one of `user_id`, `group_id`, or `login`."
  # if group_id not provided, type is "user"
  if (is_void(group_id)) {
    type <- "user"
  } else {
    type <- "group"
  id <- user_id %||% group_id
  if (!is_void(id)) {
    id <- as.character(id)
  list(type = type, id = id, login = login)

# Very basic stuff --------------------------------------------------------

trunc_end <- function(x, max_char = 30, suffix = "...") {
    nchar(x) > max_char,
      substr(x, 1, max_char - nchar(suffix)), suffix

trunc_start <- function(x, max_char = 30, prefix = "...") {
    nchar(x) > max_char,
      prefix, substr(x, nchar(x) - max_char + nchar(prefix) + 1, nchar(x))

# For testing -------------------------------------------------------------

# A function to auth using the test credentials (not part of the git
# repository). Used for ad-hoc tests.
box_test_auth <- function() {
    client_id     = readLines(".client_id"),
    client_secret = readLines(".client_secret"),
    interactive = FALSE,
    cache = ".boxr-oauth",
    write.Renv = FALSE

# Yoinked from the dev build of testthat
# https://github.com/hadley/testthat/blob/0835a9e40d3a2fbaac47cbe8f86239e231623b51/R/utils.r
skip_on_travis <- function() {
  if (!identical(Sys.getenv("TRAVIS"), "true")) return()
  testthat::skip("On Travis")

# A function to create a directory structure for testing
create_test_dir <- function() {
  # Start clean in the R session's temp directory
  unlink(fs::path_temp("test_dir"), recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
  # Set up a test directory structure
  names <- c("dir_11", "dir_12/dir_121/dir_1211", "dir_13")
  paths <- fs::path_temp("test_dir", names)
    function(x) {
      fs::dir_create(x, recurse = TRUE)
  # Create a test file
  tf <- fs::path_temp("test_dir", "testfile.txt")
  writeLines("This is a test file.", tf)
  # Copy the test file into a few of the directories, deliberately leaving some
  # blank
  list.dirs(fs::path_temp("test_dir"), recursive = TRUE)[-5] %>% 
    fs::path("testfile.txt") %>% 
    lapply(function(x) file.copy(tf, x))
    fs::path(list.dirs(fs::path_temp("test_dir"), recursive = TRUE)[-5], "testfile.txt"),
    function(x) file.copy("testfile.txt", x)

# A function to modify that directory structure
modify_test_dir <- function() {
  # Delete a directory
  unlink(fs::path_temp("test_dir/dir_13"), recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
  # Add a new directory
  # Update a file
  writeLines("This is an updated file", fs::path_temp("test_dir/testfile.txt"))
  # Add a file
  writeLines("This is an new file", fs::path_temp("test_dir/newtestfile.txt"))
  # Delete a file  

# A function to clear out a box.com directory
clear_box_dir <- function(dir_id) {
  tmp_dir <- withr::local_tempdir()
  box_push(dir_id, tmp_dir, delete = TRUE)

modify_remote_dir <- function()
      tf1 <- 
        normalizePath(paste0(tempdir(), "/testfile.txt"), mustWork = FALSE)
      tf2 <- 
        normalizePath(paste0(tempdir(), "/newtestfile.txt"), mustWork = FALSE)
      writeLines("This text is NEW!", tf1)
      writeLines("This text is NEW!", tf2)
      bls <- as.data.frame(box_ls(0))
      # Upload a new file
      # test_dir/newtestfile.txt
      box_ul(0, tf2)
      # Update an existing file: 
      # test_dir/dir_11/testfile.txt
      box_ul(bls$id[bls$name == "dir_12"], tf1)
      # Create a new dir, and put a new file in it
      # test_dir/another_dir/newtestfile.txt
      new_dir <- boxDirCreate("another_dir", 0)
      box_ul(httr::content(new_dir)$id, tf2)
      # Delete a file
      # test_dir/testfile.txt
      box_delete_file(bls$id[bls$name == "testfile.txt"])
      # Delete a a folder (it has a file in it)
      box_delete_folder(bls$id[bls$name == "dir_11"])

# API ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Common Box API client-errors 
#' @description 
#' This function returns a subset of known Box API error codes, based on the
#' [Box API docs](https://developer.box.com/guides/api-calls/permissions-and-errors/common-errors/).
#' This function is only intended to be used as an argument to `httr::RETRY()` to prevent
#' successive API requests when the orignal request succeeded but returned a error unrelated
#' to establishing a connection.
#' @return `numeric` vector containing HTTP status-codes.
#' @noRd
box_terminal_http_codes <- function() {
  # https://developer.box.com/guides/api-calls/permissions-and-errors/common-errors/ 
    400, # Bad request
    401, # Unauthorized
    403, # Forbidden
    404, # Not found
    405, # Method not allowed
    409, # Resource already exists
    410, # Gone
    411, # Length required
    412, # Precondition failed
    413, # Request entity too large
    415  # Unsupported media type

#' prepare a list 
#' takes a list:
#'   - changes `NULL` to `NA_character`
#'   - wraps `list` in another `list`
#' this is motivated by wanting to stack these into a tibble,
#' one list per row
#' @param x `list` consisting of `character`, `list`, and `NULL` 
#' @return `list` consisting of `character`, `list`
#' @noRd
prepare_list <- function(x) {
  x <- purrr::map_if(x, is.null, ~NA_character_)
  x <- purrr::map_if(x, is.list, ~list(.x))

#' stack a row
#' @param x `list` consisting of `character`, `list`, and `NULL` 
#' This will return a `tibble` with list-columns corresponding to the 
#' `list` members of `x`.
#' @return `tibble` with a column corresponding to each member of `x`
#' @noRd
stack_row_tbl <- function(x) {
  do.call(tibble::tibble_row, prepare_list(x))

stack_row_df <- function(x) {
  do.call(data.frame, prepare_list(x))

#' convert list-of-lists to tibble
#' use this to format the `entries` member of an API  
#' response
#' @param `list_x` list of lists
#' @return `tibble`
#' @noRd
stack_rows_tbl <- function(list_x) {
  purrr::map_dfr(list_x, stack_row_tbl)

stack_rows_df <- function(list_x) {
  do.call(rbind, lapply(list_x, stack_row_df))
brendan-R/boxr documentation built on April 12, 2024, 11:14 p.m.