
Citation Test

The idea of literate programming was first proposed to Donald Knuth [-@knuth], and it's applications realised in the context of reproducible research with the Splus and R dialects of the S language, by @leisch with the 'Sweave' package.

These ideas were extended upon with new conventions and output formats by the knitr package (@knitr), crucially including the popular new 'markdown' format for plain text.

While lacking a consistent formal specification, markdown is convertible to many formats desirable to those disseminating research, thanks to the Haskell programme 'pandoc' (@pandoc), offering both format interchange, and establishing thoughtful conventions for writing in markdown syntax.

The 'rmarkdown' package (@rmarkdown) combined the reproducible research capabilities of 'knitr' with the document output capabilities of 'pandoc'.

(I wrote this in a few minutes as a test for citations, please don't feel slighted if I overlooked your contribution --- but do feel free to write!)

brendan-r/googdown documentation built on May 13, 2019, 5:09 a.m.