addStyleMap: Create Mouseover Effects with Style

addStyleMapR Documentation

Create Mouseover Effects with Style


With this function you can map mouseover and non-mouseover styles to a single style id. The style id can then be referenced by features that you wish to have a mouseover effect.


addStyleMap(id, idn, idh)



Mandatory. Define style id. kml features will need to reference this id to use the defined style. You must choose a unique style id.


Mandatory. Reference the normal(non-highlighted) style id. If you have not yet created this style, you must created it in order for it to be linked.


Mandatory. Reference the highlighted style id. If you have not yet created this style, you must created it in order for it to be linked.


Brent Cameron
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Population Ecology Division


KML styleMap Reference


mykml = RKmlObject()

#add styles. labelstyle1 will be the normal style, labelstyle2 will be the mouseover style
mykml$addLabelStyle(styleid = "labelstyle1", color = "red", transparency = .5, scale = 1)
mykml$addLabelStyle(styleid = "labelstyle2", color = "green", transparency = 1, scale = 2)

#make icon transparent(invisible) for the mouseover style
mykml$addIconStyle(styleid = "labelstyle2", color = "white", transparency = 0)

#add map style so mouseover effects can be acheived
mykml$addStyleMap(id = "my_mouseover_style", idn = "labelstyle1", idh = "labelstyle2")

#create points so styles can be visualized
x = data.frame(cbind(c(45.9178, 46.807), c(-59.967, -60.321), c("Example1", "Example2"), c("Louisbourg", "Neil's Harbour" )))
names(x) = c("lat", "lon", "name", "description")
mykml$addPoint(x, styleUrl = "my_mouseover_style")

#sample your creation

brent0/kmlbuilder documentation built on Feb. 2, 2024, 2:05 a.m.