
Defines functions update_slots map_slots update.ModelSpecification ModelSpecification.recipe ModelSpecification.ModelFrame ModelSpecification.matrix ModelSpecification.formula ModelSpecification.default ModelSpecification

Documented in ModelSpecification ModelSpecification.default ModelSpecification.formula ModelSpecification.matrix ModelSpecification.ModelFrame ModelSpecification.recipe

#' Model Specification
#' Specification of a relationship between response and predictor variables and
#' a model to define a relationship between them.
#' @name ModelSpecification
#' @rdname ModelSpecification-methods
#' @param ... arguments passed from the generic function to its methods.  The
#'   first argument of each \code{ModelSpecification} method is positional and,
#'   as such, must be given first in calls to them.
#' @param formula,data \link[=formula]{formula} defining the model predictor and
#'   response variables and a \link[=data.frame]{data frame} containing them.
#' @param x,y \link{matrix} and object containing predictor and response
#'   variables.
#' @param input \link[=inputs]{input} object defining and containing the model
#'   predictor and response variables.
#' @param model \link[=models]{model} function, function name, or object; or
#'   another object that can be \link[=as.MLModel]{coerced} to a model.
#' @param control \link[=controls]{control} function, function name, or object
#'   defining the resampling method to be employed.  If \code{NULL} or if
#'   the model specification contains any \code{SelectedInput} or
#'   \code{SelectedModel} objects, then object-specific control structures and
#'   training parameters are used for selection and tuning, as usual, and
#'   objects are trained sequentially with nested resampling.  Otherwise,
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item tuning of input and model objects is performed simultaneously over
#'       a global grid of their parameter values, and
#'     \item the specified \code{control} method and training parameters below
#'       override those of any included \code{TunedInput} or \code{TunedModel}.
#'   }
#' @param metrics \link[=metrics]{metric} function, function name, or vector of
#'   these with which to calculate performance.  If not specified, default
#'   metrics defined in the \link{performance} functions are used.  Model
#'   selection is based on the first calculated metric.
#' @param cutoff argument passed to the \code{metrics} functions.
#' @param stat function or character string naming a function to compute a
#'   summary statistic on resampled metric values for model tuning.
#' @return \code{ModelSpecification} class object.
#' @seealso \code{\link{fit}}, \code{\link{resample}},
#' \code{\link{set_monitor}}, \code{\link{set_optim}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Requires prior installation of suggested package gbm to run
#' modelspec <- ModelSpecification(
#'   sale_amount ~ ., data = ICHomes, model = GBMModel
#' )
#' fit(modelspec)
#' }
ModelSpecification <- function(...) {

#' @rdname ModelSpecification-methods
ModelSpecification.default <- function(
  input, model, control = MachineShop::settings("control"), metrics = NULL,
  cutoff = MachineShop::settings("cutoff"),
  stat = MachineShop::settings("stat.TrainingParams"), ...
) {
  object <- new("ModelSpecification",
    input = as.MLInput(input),
    model = as.MLModel(model),
    params = TrainingParams(
      control = control,
      metrics = metrics,
      cutoff = cutoff,
      stat = stat
    grid = tibble()

  if (is_optim_method(object)) {
    grid <- expand_modelgrid(object)
    object <- if (is_tibble(grid)) {
      object@grid <- grid
      update(object, params = list())
    } else {


#' @rdname ModelSpecification-methods
ModelSpecification.formula <- function(formula, data, model, ...) {
  ModelSpecification(as.MLInput(formula, data), model = model, ...)

#' @rdname ModelSpecification-methods
ModelSpecification.matrix <- function(x, y, model, ...) {
  ModelSpecification(as.MLInput(x, y), model = model, ...)

#' @rdname ModelSpecification-methods
ModelSpecification.ModelFrame <- function(input, model, ...) {
  ModelSpecification.default(input, model = model, ...)

#' @rdname ModelSpecification-methods
ModelSpecification.recipe <- function(input, model, ...) {
  ModelSpecification.default(input, model = model, ...)

setMethod("initialize", "ModelSpecification",
  function(.Object, ..., id = make_id("mspec")) {
    callNextMethod(.Object, ..., id = id)

#' Update a Model Specification
#' Update the components of a \pkg{MachineShop} model specification.
#' @rdname update
#' @param object model \link[=ModelSpecification]{specification}.
#' @param params list of values to update the corresponding named input and
#'   model objects and their parameters.  See the \code{object} grid for the
#'   names of updatable objects.
#' @param check_grid logical indicating whether to check the tuning grid and
#'   to set the optimization and control methods to null if empty.
#' @param data data frame with which to update data internal to input objects.
#'   The internal data is a processed version of the original and is not
#'   intended to be supplied by users.
#' @param ... arguments passed to other methods.
#' @return Updated \code{ModelSpecification} class object.
#' @noRd
update.ModelSpecification <- function(
  object, params = NULL, check_grid = TRUE, data = NULL, ...
) {
  if (is.list(params)) {
    object@input <- update_slots(object@input, params = params)
    object@model <- update_slots(object@model, params = params)
    object@grid <- unique_grid(grid_diff(object@grid, params))
  if (check_grid && is_empty(object@grid)) {
    object@params@optim <- NullOptimization()
    object@params@control <- NullControl()
  object@input <- update(object@input, data = data)

map_slots <- function(
  fun, object, names = c("candidates", "input", "model"), update = FALSE
) {
  slots_res <- NULL
  for (name in intersect(names, slotNames(object))) {
    slot <- slot(object, name)
    if (is(slot, "ListOf")) {
      convert <- function(x) {
        names(x) <- names(slot)
      slot_res <- unlist(map(function(slot_item) {
        map_slots(fun, slot_item, names = names, update = update)
      }, unname(slot)), recursive = FALSE)
    } else {
      convert <- identity
      slot_res <- map_slots(fun, slot, names = names, update = update)
    if (update) {
      slot(object, name) <- convert(slot_res)
    } else {
      slots_res <- c(slots_res, slot_res)
  res <- fun(object)
  if (!update) c(structure(list(res), names = object@id), slots_res) else res

update_slots <- function(object, params = NULL, ...) {
  convert <- if (is.null(params)) identity else as.list
  map_slots(function(slot) {
    update(slot, params = convert(params[[slot@id]]))
  }, object, update = TRUE, ...)
brian-j-smith/MachineShop documentation built on Aug. 20, 2024, 10:59 p.m.