Bristol Infectious Disease Dynamics Modelling Course

develVersion Course
Website badge Travis-CI Build
Status AppVeyor Build

The biddmodellingcourse package contains the practicals for the BIDD modelling short course at the University of Bristol. It also contains the functions required to run the practicals and solutions.

Getting Started - On The Day

Getting up and running

Using the course code

shiny::runGitHub("exploreidmodels", "seabbs")

Getting Started - Remote Set-up

git clone


This package was developed in a docker container based on the tidyverse docker image. Docker containers are lightweight, stand-alone, executable packages of a piece of software that includes everything needed to run it (see here for details). To run the docker image run (with an active docker daemon running):

docker run -d -p 8787:8787 --name biddmodellingcourse -e USER=biddmodellingcourse -e PASSWORD=biddmodellingcourse seabbs/biddmodellingcourse

The rstudio client can be found on port :8787 at your local machines ip. The default username:password is biddmodellingcourse:biddmodellingcourse, set the user with -e USER=username, and the password with - e PASSWORD=newpasswordhere. The default is to save the analysis files into the user directory.

bristolmathmodellers/biddmodellingcourse documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:13 p.m.