nextItem-unitizerList-method: Iterate through items of a 'unitizerList' ObjectJK

nextItem,unitizerList-methodR Documentation

Iterate through items of a unitizerList ObjectJK


Extraction process is a combination of steps:

  1. Move Internal pointer with nextItem or prevItem

  2. Retrieve item getItem

  3. Check whether we're done iterating with done

done will return TRUE if the pointer is on either the first or last entry depending on what direction you are iterating. If you wish to iterate from the last item forward, you should either reset with parameter reverse set to TRUE, or re-order the items.


## S4 method for signature 'unitizerList'



a unitizerList object


unitizerList for getItem, an item from the list, which could be anything

brodieG/unitizer documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 6:26 a.m.