knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## Example script

### Analysis of change in Pileated woodpecker abundanc74\
e versus forest habitat

### Script written 11/21/2017
### by Nathan L Brouwer
### ENS 495 CalU

## Load PIWO data

BBS_PA_PIWO_4 <- read.csv(file ="Brouwer_NL_PIWO_vs_forest_cover.csv" )

## Data Exploration

### Load libraries

### Exploring abundance-habitat data

#### Boxplots

## number of birds seen
### saved as object; displayed laterwith plot_grid <- ggboxplot(data = BBS_PA_PIWO_4,
    y = "SpeciesTotal",
    xlab = "")

## Deciduous landcover
plot2.decid.percent <- ggboxplot(data = BBS_PA_PIWO_4,
    y = "decid.percent",
    xlab = "")

## Coniferous landcover
plot3.confir.percent <- ggboxplot(data = BBS_PA_PIWO_4,
    y = "conifer.percent",
    xlab = "")

## Mixed forest landcover
plot4.mixed.percent <- ggboxplot(data = BBS_PA_PIWO_4,
    y = "mixed.forest.percent",
    xlab = "")

### Plot as grid

### This plot shows the distribution of the y variable (SpeciesTOtal) and 3 different predictor
### variables that represent different amounts of forest dover.
          labels = c("A", "B",

#### Histograms

# Make each plot with gghistogram() and save to an R object

## number of birds seen <- gghistogram(data = BBS_PA_PIWO_4,
                              x = "SpeciesTotal",
                              xlab = "")

## Deciduous landcover
plot2.decid.percent <- gghistogram(data = BBS_PA_PIWO_4,
                                  x = "decid.percent",
                                  xlab = "")

## Coniferous landcover
plot3.confir.percent <- gghistogram(data = BBS_PA_PIWO_4,
                                   x = "conifer.percent",
                                   xlab = "")

## Mixed forest landcover
plot4.mixed.percent <- gghistogram(data = BBS_PA_PIWO_4,
                                  x = "mixed.forest.percent",
                                  xlab = "")

## Layout the four plots in a grid.

### This plot shows the distribution of the y variable (SpeciesTOtal) and 3 different predictor
### variables that represent different amounts of forest dover.

          labels = c("A", "B",

## Data modeling

### Modeling habitat

### Null model representing not change in number of PIWO observed as habitat changes
m.null   <- lm(SpeciesTotal ~ 1, BBS_PA_PIWO_4)

### Alternative model of how PIWO counts change as deciduous forest cover increases
m.decid  <- lm(SpeciesTotal ~ decid.percent, BBS_PA_PIWO_4)

### Alternative model of how PIWO counts change as mixed forest cover increases
m.mixed  <- lm(SpeciesTotal ~ mixed.forest.percent, BBS_PA_PIWO_4)

### Results

## Compare two alt model against null model

#### Significance test with anova()

#### null vs. deciduous forest model
##### p value is "sig" (0.001424)
##### reject the null, slope is sig diff than zero

anova(m.null, m.decid)

  # Analysis of Variance Table
  # Model 1: SpeciesTotal ~ 1
  # Model 2: SpeciesTotal ~ decid.percent
  # Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq      F   Pr(>F)
  # 1    136 169.12
  # 2    135 156.80  1    12.321 10.608 0.001424 **
  #   ---
  #   Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

#### null vs. mixed forest model
##### p value is sig
anova(m.null, m.mixed)

  # Analysis of Variance Table
  # Model 1: SpeciesTotal ~ 1
  # Model 2: SpeciesTotal ~ mixed.forest.percent
  # Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq      F    Pr(>F)
  # 1    136 169.12
  # 2    135 127.16  1    41.961 44.547 5.888e-10 ***
  #   ---
  #   Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

#### Model comparison

### anova() only allows you to compare 1 model at a time
### AIC allows you to compare multiple models at the
### same time


### BOth mixed and decid slopes sig but
#### m.mixed fits the data much better (delta AIC much more then 2)

  #         dAIC df
  # m.mixed  0.0 3
  # m.decid 28.7 3
  # m.null  37.1 2

### SUmmary of "best" model

#### Use summary() comamnd to get slopes, SEs, R^2 etc

## Key output pasted below
      # Coefficients:
      #   Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
      # (Intercept)            0.1468     0.1165   1.260     0.21
      # mixed.forest.percent  16.1218     2.4155   6.674 5.89e-10 ***
      #   ---
      #   Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
      # Residual standard error: 0.9705 on 135 degrees of freedom
      # Multiple R-squared:  0.2481,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.2425
      # F-statistic: 44.55 on 1 and 135 DF,  p-value: 5.888e-10

### Create focal figure

#### Scatterplot with regression line for best model
##### Error band is 95% confidence interval
ggscatter(data = BBS_PA_PIWO_4,
          y = "SpeciesTotal",
          x = "mixed.forest.percent",
          add = "reg.line",
 = TRUE,
          xlab = "Percent mixed forest landcover",
          ylab = "Number of PIWO observed on BBS route")

brouwern/wildlifeR documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:13 p.m.