knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warnings = FALSE, message = FALSE)


This vignette walks through the process of taking 2 complimentary sets of data and "merging" them using the powerful function full_join() in the package dplyr. We'll take data on 1) the number of birds observed along USGS Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) routes and merge that ecological data with 2) geographic information on the types of landcover along those routes. In addition to this primary tasks of merging datasets, we'll also do several other things to clean up the data to make it easy to use.



A good introduction to using dplyr is:

Beckerman et al's book "Getting start with R: An introduction for biologists" 2nd ed.


"Selecting columns and renaming are so easy with dplyr"

Learning objectives


R code

Load Libraries

BBS and landcover data for Pennsylvania are in the wildlifeR package, and we'll use the dplyr package to "reshape" into the proper format for analysis.



We'll use 2 datasets:

  1. Bird counts from the BBS data for PA, and
  2. USGS landcover classifications (eg urban, deciduous forest, etc) for a "buffer" 1 km around each BBS route in PA.

You can learn more about these data sets using the help command ?BBS_PA and "BBS_PA_landcover_1km".

Load both sets of data

## BBS data for PA

##Landcover data for BBS routes in PA

Look at the BBS_PA dataframes

Definitions of


For our work, the important columns are

(NOTE: We will not be using the "StopTotal" column. A BBS routes is composed of 50 point counts, called "stops." StopTotal is the total number of stops out of 50 on which a given species in a given year was observed. Its max value is 50, or 100% of the 50 stops on the route)

see ?BBS_PA for more information on these variables

Size of BBS_PA dataframe

Thes BBS data is really really big dataset!: r nrow(244185)


There are so many rows b/c

Note, however, that if you multiply yearsspeciesroutes you get an even bigger number.


This is because

Any important consequence of this is that there are only data on a species when it is actually obseved. So if a bird is see on route 99 in 2015 but not 2016, there is a row of data for it in 2015 but not 2016. Therefore, there are no zeros in the StopTotal column, which gives the number of of each species seen on a route in a given year.

We can see using summary() that the minimum value in the StopTotal column is indeed 1; not a single zero.


Isolate focal columns

#load dplyr if you haven't already

#look at the names of the full dataframe

#use select() to isolate focal columns
## and put into a new dataframe
##(Note that ths A in Aou is uppercase 
## while the rest of the letters are lowercase)

#BBS_PA2 <-  select(.data = BBS_PA,
#                   Year, Aou, Route, SpeciesTotal)

#dplyr was not working for me so I did this another way of doing

BBS_PA2 <- BBS_PA[,c("Year", "Aou", "Route", "SpeciesTotal")]

#look at columns in new dataframe

Isolate focal species using filter()

An example BBS dataframe

i.6080 <- which(BBS_PA2$Aou == 6080)[35:37]

temp <- BBS_PA2[c(i.6080-1,i.6080[1],i.6080-2,i.6080[2],i.6080+1,i.6080[3],i.6080+2),]

temp$" " <- ifelse(temp$Aou == 6080, "we want this row","")


That is, we want this

temp %>% filter(Aou == 6080)

Select just focal rows with dplyr::filter()

Focal bird rows: 6080, the scarlet tanager


BBS_PA_SCTA <- BBS_PA2 %>% filter(Aou == 6080)

Plot filtered BBS data

We can see how many birds were observed on all the routes each year using ggscatter() from the ggpubr() package.


ggscatter(data = BBS_PA_SCTA,
          y = "SpeciesTotal",
          x = "Year")

Note however that as discussed above this dataframe only contains data from routes where SCTA was observed; when SCTA wasn't observed, nothing is recored at all, hence no zeros. We can see this with summary()


Or by looking at a histogram

            x = "SpeciesTotal")

Focal year rows

For this exercise we are only going to consider data from 2006, since that is the year that the landcover data we'll be merging with comes from. (notes that "Year" has a capital "Y" while the rest is lowercase).

BBS_PA_SCTA_2 <- BBS_PA_SCTA %>% filter(Year == 2006)
BBS_PA_SCTA_2 <- BBS_PA_SCTA %>% dplyr::filter(Year == 2006)

We can see that we've greatly reduced the size of the original dataframe


Plot filtered SCTA data

gghistogram(data = BBS_PA_SCTA_2,
          x = "SpeciesTotal")

Clean Landcover data


Isoalte focal columns:forest cover

Let's focus on the columns that pertain to forest cover, which are contained in columns NLCD41, NLCD42, NLCD43. These represent three different types of forest, eg deciduous, coniferous, mixed. You find out information on them from the help file for the dataset using ?BBS_PA_landcover_1km.

We can subset these columns as we did for the BBS bird count data using using select(). Note that there is a period between "NLCD" and the number, and that "SUM" is in all caps.

BBS_PA_landcover_1km_2 <- BBS_PA_landcover_1km %>%
  select(Route, NLCD.41, NLCD.42, NLCD.43, SUM)
BBS_PA_landcover_1km_2 <- BBS_PA_landcover_1km %>%
  dplyr::select(Route, NLCD.41, NLCD.42, NLCD.43, SUM)

Add up total forest cover

Let's add up the NLCD.41, NLCD.42, and NLCD.43 columns <- rowSums(BBS_PA_landcover_1km_2[c("NLCD.41",

We can add this new column to the dataframe like this

BBS_PA_landcover_1km_2$ <-

And see that it's there using head()


The "SUM" column tells us the total number of GIS pixels were actually used to determine all of the landcover in the BBS_PA_landcover_1km_2 dataframe. This varies a bit so we will actually want to use the percentage of forest cover, not the raw total. We can calcautle the percentage like this

forest.percent <- BBS_PA_landcover_1km_2$ / BBS_PA_landcover_1km_2$SUM

And add it to the dataframe like this

BBS_PA_landcover_1km_2$forest.percent <- forest.percent

Note that we can actually do the math and add the new data to the dataframe in one step like this:

BBS_PA_landcover_1km_2$forest.percent <- BBS_PA_landcover_1km_2$ / BBS_PA_landcover_1km_2$SUM

We don't need the individual columns for each of the three cover classes anymore (NCLD.41, 42, 43) so we can use select() to focus just on our new forest.percent and columns

We'll call this new dataframe BBS_PA_landcover_1km_3

BBS_PA_landcover_1km_3 <- BBS_PA_landcover_1km_2 %>% 
  select(Route,, SUM, forest.percent,
BBS_PA_landcover_1km_3 <- BBS_PA_landcover_1km_2 %>% 
  dplyr::select(Route,, SUM, forest.percent,

Merge BBS data and landcover data

We have reduced the size and made changes two dataframe: BBS_PA, with counts of birds, and BBS_PA_landcover_1km, which has information on the habitats around BBS routes in PA.

Now we'll make a new dataframe that combines these two sperate data sets. This is one of the most powerful features of R - taking big sets of data and with a few lines of codes merging them into a new data set.

We'll do this using thhe full_join() command from the dplyr package. All we need to do is 1) tell full_joing the names of the two data sets and 2) tell the function what column is shared between the data setst.

The fact that the "Route" column occurs in both data sets allows them to be matached up.

BBS_PA_SCTA_3 <- full_join(BBS_PA_SCTA_2 ,
                       by = "Route")

Look at the dataframe


Compare the size of this dataframe and the original landcover dataframe.

#the BBS data that were merged

#the landcover data that were merged

#the final merged dataframe

Dealing with NAs

If we look at our new dataframe we see that some of our rows now contains NAs


This occured b/c the original BBS data only contains data when a species is observed - if it isn't seen, nothing is entered. So each "NA" in the new dataframe we made represents a route for which, in 2006, the SCTA wasn't observed.

Its easy to fix the Year and Aou columns because the all have the same values. All of the years = 2006, and all of the Aou columns = 6080, for Scarlet tanager. The following code will fill in any of the missing values

BBS_PA_SCTA_3$Year <- 2006
BBS_PA_SCTA_3$Aou <- 6080

Actualy, since the code "6080" isn't very meaningful, let's add the letters "SCTA" to a column to make it easy to remembe what we are looking at. Let's make a new column called "name" and put "SCTA" in it.

BBS_PA_SCTA_3$name <- "SCTA"

We'll make this a factor variable

BBS_PA_SCTA_3$name <- factor(BBS_PA_SCTA_3$name)

Summary will show us what we'ver done: now there are no NAs in Year or Aou and there's a new column calld name


To fill in the NAs for the SpeciesTotal column (the counts of the number of birds) requires a new function: determiens if a row in a column has NA or it doesn't. returns "TRUE" whenever there is an NA$SpeciesTotal)

We can use with a function from dplyr called mutate() to change these NAs to 0s.

This code is pretty complex, actually, so don't worry if you don't get it the 1st try Actually, since its pretty trick for beginers, I've made a new function that does it more simply (see next chunk of code)

BBS_PA_SCTA_4 <- NA_to_zero(dat = BBS_PA_SCTA_3,column = "SpeciesTotal")

If you compare the dataset BBS_PA_SCTA_3 to BBS_PA_SCTA_4 that was made with NA_to_zero() you can see that the NAs were removed

#with NAs

#with NAs removed by NA_to_zero()

Since the above code is rather long, the following function from the wildlifeR package will do the same thing

BBS_PA_SCTA_3 <- NA_to_zero(dat = BBS_PA_SCTA_3,
           column = "SpeciesTotal")

PLot relationship between SCTA and forest cover

We can now finally check out the relationship between the Scarlet tanger and forest cover

ggscatter(data = BBS_PA_SCTA_3,
          y = "SpeciesTotal",
          x = "forest.percent")

Re-orgainzing rows

BBS_PA_SCTA_4 <- BBS_PA_SCTA_3 %>% select(year = Year, 
                              aou = Aou, 
                              route = Route, 
                              name = name,
                              spp.tot = SpeciesTotal,
                              for.tot =,
                              NLCD.sum = SUM,
                              for.percent = forest.percent)
BBS_PA_SCTA_4 <- BBS_PA_SCTA_3 %>% dplyr::select(year = Year, 
                              aou = Aou, 
                              route = Route, 
                              name = name,
                              spp.tot = SpeciesTotal,
                              for.tot =,
                              NLCD.sum = SUM,
                              for.percent = forest.percent)

Saving to .csv

When we have a dataset prepared its a good idea to save it to a spreadsheet as a .csv file for safe keeping. This is done with the write.csv() function

write.csv(BBS_PA_SCTA_4, file = "SCTA_vs_forest_cover.csv")

brouwern/wildlifeR documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:13 p.m.