
Defines functions findID

Documented in findID

#' find DWD weather station ID from name
#' Identify DWD weather station ID from station name
#' @return Character string (vector) with ID(s)
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, Oct-Nov 2016
#' @seealso used in [selectDWD()], [metaInfo()]
#' @keywords character
#' @export
#' @importFrom berryFunctions twarning
#' @examples
#' # Give weather station name (must be existing in metaIndex):
#' findID("Potsdam")
#' findID("potsDam") # capitalization is ignored
#' # all names containing "Hamburg":
#' findID("Hamburg", exactmatch=FALSE)
#' findID("Potsdam", exactmatch=FALSE)
#' # vectorized:
#' findID(c("Potsdam","Berlin-Buch"))
#' # German Umlauts are changed to ue, ae, oe, ss
#' findID("Muenchen", FALSE)
#' berryFunctions::convertUmlaut("M?nchen") # use this to convert umlauts in lists
#' @param name  Char: station name(s) that will be matched in `mindex` to obtain
#'              **id**. DEFAULT: ""
#' @param exactmatch Logical: Should `name` match an entry in `mindex`
#'              exactly (be [`==`])?
#'              If FALSE, `name` may be a part of `mindex$Stationsname`,
#'              as checked with [grepl()]. This is useful e.g. to get
#'              all stations starting with a name (e.g. 42 IDs for Berlin).
#'              DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param mindex Single object: Index used to select `id` if `name`
#'              is given. DEFAULT: [`metaIndex`]
#' @param failempty Logical: fail if no matching names are found 
#'              (instead of returning NA with a warning)? 
#'              With the latter, [selectDWD()] returns all files at a `res/var/per` folder.
#'              This may be especially unwanted with `per="hr"`.
#'              DEFAULT: FALSE
#' @param quiet Logical: suppress length warnings? DEFAULT: FALSE through [rdwdquiet()]
findID <- function(
# Input checks and processing:
len <- length(name)
exactmatch <- rep(exactmatch, length.out=len)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# loop over each input element:
output <- lapply(seq_len(len), function(i)
  if(name[i]=="") return("")
  select <- if(exactmatch[i]) tolower(mindex$Stationsname)==tolower(name[i]) else
                              grepl(name[i], mindex$Stationsname, ignore.case=TRUE)
  id <- unique(mindex[select, "Stations_id"])
  # warn about length
    id <- NA
    if(failempty) tstop("no ID could be determined from name '",name[i], "'.", skip=2)
    if(!quiet) twarning("no ID could be determined from name '",name[i], "'.", skip=2)
  if(length(id)>1 & !quiet) twarning("ID determined from name '",
                             name[i], "' has ", length(id), " elements (",
                             toString(sort(id)), ").", skip=2)
  # ID names:
  names(id) <- mindex[ match(id, mindex$Stations_id), "Stationsname" ]
  }) # loop end
# output:
brry/rdwd documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 11:23 p.m.