Man pages for brsantos/baquantreg
Bayesian quantile regression methods

bayesQRBayesian quantile regression model
BrazilDurableGoodsExpenditures with durable goods in Brazil.
BrazilElection2014Results of the Brazilian presidential election in 2014, with...
BrazilElectricityProportion of households with access to electricity in Brazil
BrazilGiniGini index for Brazilian states in three censuses.
checkpoints_qreg_2DMultiple-output Bayesian quantile regression model
checkpoints_qreg_4DMultiple-output Bayesian quantile regression model
drawQuantileRegionMultiple-output Bayesian quantile regression model
drawQuantileRegion_3DMultiple-output Bayesian quantile regression model
getQuantileRegion_4DMultiple-output Bayesian quantile regression model
latent_hellingerHellinger distance for the latent variables of the estimation...
latentKLKullback-Leibler divergence for the latent variables of the...
multBayesQRMultiple-output Bayesian quantile regression model
plotCensoringPlot function to compare the posterior distribution of the...
plot.summary.bqrPlot methods for summary of Bayesian quantile regression...
plot.summary.twopartQRPlot methods for summary of Bayesian quantile regression...
plot.summary.zitobitQRPlot methods for summary of Bayesian quantile regression...
probOutlierProbability of being an outlier given the Bayesian quantile...
summary.bqrSummary methods for Bayesian quantile regression models.
summary.twopartQRSummary methods for Bayesian quantile regression models.
summary.zitobitQRSummary methods for Bayesian quantile regression models.
twopartQRTwo part model using Bayesian quantile regression model
update.bqrModel update for a Bayesian quantile regression model
update.twopartQRModel update
update.zitobitQRModel update
zitobitQRBayesian quantile regression model with a discrete component...
brsantos/baquantreg documentation built on July 30, 2024, 1:59 p.m.